

Your work needs to be ready to turn in or check for a grade at the BEGINNING of the period; otherwise it is late. If you came to class without printed work, you have until the end of the day to turn it in (for reduced credit). You are welcome to come and print in my class during HR.

Work you missed while you were absent is not "late"! See below.

If you don't turn in one or two assignments, don't stress out. Life happens. Mistakes happen. Your grade will be affected a tiny amount (by the end of the semester as more grades accumulate).

If you consistently come to class without homework (either with you or it's not completed), we will need to troubleshoot! Come talk to me after school about so we can come up with some strategies to help you get that work finished and in class!


After you are ABSENT and return to school, you have one week to make up the work, and come turn it in to me! The work missed is not considered "late," but "absent." There is a grade of "0%" until you turn in the made-up work. I mark the work as a zero so it's a reminder for you to get the work turned in!


I do not collect homework before the due date. I only collect or check it the day that it is due. Homework is assigned most nights and over weekends. You need to write your homework in your planner every day in class.

Assignment Categories

  1. Homework points are 50-100 points per assignment. Some homework is graded for accuracy, other assignments are graded for completion.
  2. Novel Essay is 8% of the overall spring semester grade.
  3. Learning Logs are regular CLASSWORK assignment I give. LL's are daily written responses to a prompt. I grade them each day, providing feedback to each student. Each Friday, the student has the chance to earn double credit for the response. In addition to answering the prompt, the students need to self-select a new word and its definition in order to develop their vocabulary.
  4. Reading and Summary Logs: Students independently read each week and write a summary about the part of the book they read.
  5. There are also parent-student collaborative reflection assignments throughout the year..