Communication Etiquette

Throughout this school year, I will coach and expect you to work on how you communicate with your teachers in secondary classrooms. Your tone and demeanor will need to develop a more formal approach- Think of me like your training wheels for how you will eventually interact with a boss or other superior at college and/or work.

Speaking to me in person:

- Please start off with a greeting- "Good morning" or "Hello Ms. Gorder."

- Next, state the issue you are coming to see me about- give me the context and the background of your concern or question.

- Then, ask me what you would like me to do for you- USE PLEASE!!!! Otherwise, I have hearing problems ;)

- End with a "Thank you!"

Addressing me in writing- whether in email, text, or schoology message:

- Include a greeting: "Dear Ms. Gorder,"

- Compose your text in one piece- do not send me a string of 10 text messages.

- Identify the subject and/or the issue your have and then ASK for my assistance in whatever way it is needed. DO NOT demand something of me.

- Finish with a sign off- "Thank you, (your name)"

For reference:

NY Times Article: "U Can't Take to Ur Professor Like This"

"You will never offend or annoy someone by being overly formal and polite."

Molly Worthen, Department of History, University of North Carolina

Etiquette Guidelines - Recommended you follow this!