Wednesday - focus on the Environment!

Post date: Oct 14, 2015 3:7:3 PM

Today's update features some of the learning students are doing about their environment, which is the major theme of this week and is directly connected to an important aspect of the KGV Curriculum.

On Monday evening students heard a talk from Paul Zimmerman, advocate for the HK 'Save Our Country Parks' Alliance. Mr Zimmerman talked about how he had created positive change for the environment - this is the first of several 'Tuning In' experiences that students will have during the course of the year as they prepare for their 'Year 9 Experience' (details attached if you would like to know more!). As students learn about the importance of environmental change and how to create change themselves, they are completing a series of activities this week which help them to learn about the environment. Here are a few!

Yesterday evening students learned about the medicinal value of plantlife in Hong Kong, and made a medical tincture to treat bites and stings. There was lots of mashing and mixing and everybody got a chance to fill their own bottle with the tincture their group created!

Learning why our plantlife is important!

Today students in Upsdell got a chance to make a difference to the environment near to our camp, walking into the forest and releasing some frogs who have been bred in captivity to try and boost the numbers of their species present in the local area. By helping to boost the dwindling numbers of a threatened but important population, students are getting 'hands-on' with the themes of Paul Zimmerman's talk from Monday evening.

Taking action to conserve plant and animal populations

It was the turn of students in Nightingale today to learn new skills for surviving in the wild - including how to cook a delicious freshly-caught fish on a camp fire from scratch! It was a great chance to have fun but also learn to interact with the environment in a respectful, sustainable way - and I hear the fish was very tasty as well!

Survival Skills!

That's all for today - students are doing incredibly well so far this week, there is a really nice atmosphere throughout the camp and, even with tiredness setting in now that we are past the halfway point, it is clear that our Year 8 students are a mature, responsible group who know how to respond to others with kindness and sensitivity. We hope everyone continues to have an enjoyable week as we head towards the conclusion of our camp on Friday.

Best wishes,

- The Year 8 Camp Team