Year 8

Year 8 Activities

These activities are open to students who will be in Y8 in November 2024 (students currently in Year 7).

Prices on this page include the 3% online payment and admin fee required by ESF. This is the price that will be billed to parents.

Note that most activities are open to older students as well and may fill up before sign up day. Year 8 students should think about more than one activity from the list in case their first choice activity is full. 

The sign-up for students is 10:40am, Friday March 8th (during tutor time).
Following sign-up day, we will confirm the activity chosen, and seek formal approval from parents. If costs are involved, we'll send an invoice too.

Some activites are outside of Hong Kong

Activities outside of Hong Kong require a $3000 non-refundable deposit so we can safely book tickets, accommodation, land transport and land agents in time to fit large groups and to help us honour the price quoted below if students withdraw. Please think carefully and talk to your parents before signing up. 

Families must ensure they will have valid travel documents and be able to obtain any relevant travel visas in time for Challenge Week. There can be different requirements for obtaining visas for travel for different national passports and we are unable to obtain them on your behalf. Please check this carefully before requesting an activity outside Hong Kong.