Watersports on a glorious Tuesday

Post date: Oct 13, 2015 7:41:5 AM

Dear all,

Our second update is all about the watersports that are available as part of this week's activities on Y8 Camp!

The weather turned warm and sunny this morning so it was a perfect day for Kayaking. Students in Nightingale 1 and 2 have had the chance to do this activity today, and the water has been fantastic. There has been a lot of need for water and sun cream, however!

Kayaking in the sun

Why use someone else's boat, though, when you can build your own? Upsdell 1 and Rowell 2 have been undertaking this precise challenge today using a few barrels, ropes and bamboo poles to try and stay upright. This picture looks pretty hopeful, doesn't it? I suspect the raft didn't stay quite as level as this when out on the open water!

Staying afloat!

As well as having one of the nicest views in Hong Kong, the pool here has been an opportunity for students to learn some water safety skills from expert instructors. Students have been practising capsize drills and learning how to rescue others and keep safe in bodies of water - and having fun lots of doing it too, as students in Crozier 1 and Upsdell 2 can attest!

Water Safety

More photos to come tomorrow - best wishes,

- The Year 8 Camp Team