The final day!

Post date: Oct 16, 2015 3:57:20 AM

It has been a fantastic week out here at the Sai Kung Outdoor Training Camp. I am sure everyone will enjoy seeing their families again and settling back into home life, but we will all miss the enjoyment and excitement of the camp and the activities we have been doing. The staff team would like to say a special 'thank you' to our excellent camp providers, Northstar, and a huge 'well done' to all of our students for their maturity, their friendliness to each other and the willingness they have shown all week to get stuck in and engage with every aspect of the camp.

So farewell to camp, and we wish everyone a happy, restful holiday and look forward to welcoming our fantastic students back to KGV later in the month.

Best wishes once more,

- The Year 8 Camp Team

We hope your children come home full of stories about camp and the things that they have done and learned. If you would like to be in touch with us with any thoughts or reflections, please feel free to write to Do bear in mind that any responses may come after half term holiday, which finishes on Monday 26th October.

At last night's final presentations we showed a slideshow of pictures from the week, and this might be of interest to parents as well so we will aim to post this for you to view as soon as we can.