Practical Skills on a scorching Thursday!

Post date: Oct 15, 2015 4:31:34 AM

Hi everyone. This message features some of the practical skills that students are learning during the course of this week. It's a really 'hands-on' week, with lots of chances to learn new things that are applicable to real life.

Students from Crozier 2 and Nightingale 1 spent part of today learning how to perform some basic first aid - they identified the potential risks of outdoor activities and then learned how to respond to them, including how to bandage injuries like cuts and bites.

First Aid

Our survival groups (today, students from Crozier house) spent time learning to build wilderness shelters from materials around them. They developed an understanding of how to create knots and fastenings and how this could help them to avoid threats to their safety while in rural environments.

Building Shelter

Our Year 8 students seem to love getting completely soaked! One of today's activities - Pioneering - which was undertaken by students from Rowell 1 and Nightingale 2 involved engineering a Trebuchet which fired water balloons. As you can see from this photo it was pretty effective! Teams took it in turns to fire the balloons at each other and test their engineering skills - students won't necessarily be making trebuchets in future (we hope!) but the underlying skills of engineering, manipulation of shape and structure etc. will prove very important.


So one more day of camp left! The staff team are continuing to comment on how excellent students have been this week, and the positive attitude they have shown throughout. We look forward to an enjoyable final 24 hours and to seeing lots of parents for pickup time tomorrow afternoon - please note also the email from Mr James Fisher which covers these arrangements for parents.

Best wishes,

- The Year 8 Camp Team