Our first day - flowers, floodplains and fun

Post date: Oct 12, 2015 3:28:11 PM

Hi everyone - we have just wrapped up our first day here on Y8 camp and things have got off to a great start. We are in good spirits and each group has tried one of the eight available activities, so stories are starting to come in about what students have learned and achieved. Each day we'll feature some highlights, illustrating the type of challenges that students are undertaking. Here are today's!:

Crozier 1 students had the chance to try out the Abseiling and Climbing activity, which led to some adrenaline-inducing moments! Well done to all students for being so willing to give things a go and try something, even if it means jumping into the unknown or doing something scary.

Conquering Fears!

There is a big environment and conservation theme to the week, with tonight's talk by Paul Zimmerman and Fred Bowers kicking off students' learning within the Year 9 Experience. Students in Rowell 2 got the chance to get hands on today, completing a forest walk which taught them about the unique environment of Hong Kong's country parks and how humans can show respect to it and help to preserve its beauty and diversity.

Getting to know the environment

During their Environmental Investigation today, students in Nightingale 1 undertook a hike by a river which, as floodplains often are, proved a bit muddy! This all added to the fun, and the challenge, as students had to cross rivers and navigate swampy areas - thankfully, the only casualties were to students' footwear!

Slipping around in the mud!

We'll bring you more updates from camp tomorrow!  Bye for now.

- The Y8 Camp Team