South of France - French Language Immersion 2024

This is a trip outside Hong Kong.

Please see this explanation of the costs, visa requirements, safety, behaviour expectations and deposits before proceeding.

Staff contact:  Ms Couturier 

Approximate cost: $16,400
A non-refundable deposit of $3000 will be required after signup. 

Year groups who can apply: Students in Year 11 in November

Requirements: Students must be studying French at IGCSE.

Places available: 40

About the trip

This trip's primary purpose is to give students the opportunity for language immersion in French. Students will be travelling to Antibes, a town near Nice, on the Mediterranean sea. Antibes is a beautiful city, nicknamed "the cultural heart of the Côte d'Azur".

We will have 8 days / 7 nights in the South of France.

More information about Antibes here:

Students will take a language course in the morning followed by activities in the afternoons. There will be opportunities to visit other French cities such as Cannes, St Paul de Vence, Grasse and Monaco, as well as take part in activities like High ropes, Laser Quest, Pétanque and a crêpes evening. There will be opportunities to use your language skills outside the classroom with cultural visits, buying lunch and other activities in the cities and towns we visit. Also, students will be staying (in groups of two) with local host families who speak only French, which is where immersion really comes into its own. This is usually the aspect of the trip that most students find most enjoyable.

See the tentative flight schedule and itinerary for 2024 below.

Useful information

Language School in Antibes:

Language School             

Ecole Le Château

28 avenue du Château

06600 Antibes

+33 (0) 492 90 71 72 

Proposed flight details for 2024