Chengdu - Chinese Language

This is a trip outside Hong Kong.

Please see this explanation of the costs, visa requirements, safety, behaviour expectations and deposits before proceeding.

Staff contact:  Mr Lei , Ms Leung, Ms Sun 

Places available: 36

Approximate cost: $9000
A non-refundable deposit of $3000 will be required after signup. 

Year groups who can apply: Y11 students studying Chinese language.

Outside provider or Organisation: Hong Kong Student Travel Ltd

About the trip

……Chéngdū (成都), it's perennially popular. It could be the relaxing teahouse culture, with favourite local institutions serving the same brews for generations. It might just be the food, famous both for heat and history even in this cuisine-rich culture. Then there are the pandas, both the live versions in the local Research Base and the plush, stuffed, cuddly kind for sale on seemingly every street. ——《Lonely Planet》

What students in 2023 enjoyed about the activity
Culture, Friends, History, Pandas, Travel, Language, Street Food

What students in 2023 learned from this activity:
Communication, Confidence, Culture, Empathy, Independence, Language Skills, Cooking, Social Interaction

CAS elements

Creativity: Using your language skills both in and outside of the classroom.  Cooking Chinese food

Action: Attractive and varied activity program with sports, games or cultural events.

Service: Local school visit
