Animation boot camp

This activity has been run by Mr Lithgo for many years - is there a staff member to take over?

We will start by looking at examples of great animation and identify the key parts to a realistic, creative and fun animated character.

Some basic animation skills will be developed using frame by frame drawing, pixilation and stop motion. 

Some simple animations such as a bouncing ball, abstract motion graphics, lip-synching and a walk-cycle will be explored.

Approximate cost: No cost - KGV led.

Year groups who can apply: Years 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 .

Places available: 20

Requirements: A Laptop with Adobe Animate CC installed

                             A mouse is required to use this software efficiently.

                             A camera phone with any free stop motion app

                             A lot of patience...


Outside provider or Organisation: KGV Led.

About the activity

This is a school-based activity.  Students will arrive in school by 8:15 and will be released at 3:15 with appropriate breaks and lunchtime.  Students are expected to provide their own snack, drinks and lunch.

Staff contacts: Mr

After we're comfortable with the basics we will develop our skills by producing a short piece, using any of the techniques learned, based on 'The 12 Principles of Animation'.  This will form the basis of a showcase video to be shown at the end of the week.

Students will meet in school each day 8.15am SC202

Students will be released each day in time to catch the school buses (3:20pm)

CAS elements

Creativity:  Being good at animation requires a lot of technical skills but no amount of good technique can make up for the creative element that an amazing animation has.  Developing a believable character who the viewer can relate to is a hugely creative process.