State Written Test

Students must score a minimum of 80% on a 50 item true-false, multiple choice examination to be eligible for a learner permit.

The test is on the Utah Driver Handbook and questions are taken from every section in the book. Students are encouraged to read and study the entire handbook several times. 

The majority of students who do not study the handbook fail the test multiple times. Contrary to popular opinion, the test questions are not all "common sense" items. There is a considerable amount of technical information required to score above the 80% minimum mark.

Students enrolled in a future Dr. Ed. class at R.H.S. are welcome to take the test there. Mr. Wright  administers the state test in his room by appointment. The best time to find him there is before school and between morning classes. Afternoons and after school is not a good time to find him there.

You can do this. Get your learner permit!!!