Ricardo A. Escobar III
Currently an associate professor in the Department of Earth and Biological Sciences at Loma Linda University in California, Ricardo has always been employed in a position to make a difference with our flora and fauna resources whether as Wildlife Biologist or Scientific Aide in the field conducting animal and botanical surveys or in the lab both conducting research and teaching students the proper techniques and procedures.
Ricardo's advanced degrees have been focused on herpetology with both an MS in Biology from Loma Linda University, "Radio telemetry of Headstarted Green Iguanas on the Caribbean Coast of Coast Rica" and a BS in Biology from La Sierra University in California with a research concentration in Herpetology.
Ricardo has had direct experience in most all facets of conversation research in the field; Radiotelemetry, conducting species surveys, habitat conservation plans, biological assessments, wetland delineations, and his experience even extends to working with fish and game departments conducting angler and fish surveys and exotic fish removal from streams with MYLF in the Angeles National Forrest. In the lab his extensive experience has included tissue sampling and preparation from herpetofauna for later DNA analysis and has taught these techniques to students as well.
Ricardo has worked in the US, Singapore, Peninsular Malaysia and adjacent islands, Costa Rica, and Bahamas.
Senior authored
(additional author names omitted for brevity)
First report on the herpetofauna of Pulau Tinggi, Johor, West Malaysia. Hamadryad 27(2):259 – 262.
2003. Additions to the herpetofauna of Pulau Aur, Johor, West Malaysia. Hamadryad 27(2):287-288.
2002. Geographic distribution. Hylaregilla. Herpetological Review 33 (4): 317.
2002. Geographic distribution. Kalophrynus pleurostigma. Herpetological Review 33 (4): 317-318.
Junior authored
2001 (2002). First report on the herpetofauna of Pulau Aur, Johor, West Malaysia. Hamadryad 26(2):350-353.
2001 (2002). Report on the herpetofauna of Pulau Tulai, West Malaysia. Hamadryad 26(2):369-371.
2002. Geographic distribution.Theloderma horridum. Herpetological Review 33 (3): 222.
2002. First report of the herpetofauna of Pulau Pemanggil, Johor, West Malaysia. Hamadryad 27 (1): 148-149.
2002. Geographic distribution. Eridiphas slevini slevini. Herpetological Review 33 (4):324.