Issues and Solutions
Having issues with your iPad?
When you are having issues with your iPad we would like you to try a few troubleshooting procedures. Below are common problems that you might be able to solve on your own. Follow the steps and see if it solves your problem. If you are still having issues, you will have to bring your iPad in for service.
Please use the following links to learn more about the location and hours for iPad repair during distant learning and other helpful information:
Having problems with Schoology?
Please check: Schoology Status
Having issues with the Schoology App connecting to Schoology? Please try using Safari on your iPad and logging in at:
For help with your iPad or other technology questions please call our student and family tech helpline: 651-463-5090.
If your iPad needs repair please visit the district iPad Repair Page.
If your iPad needs repair over the summer visit the Summer iPad Help page.
Common Issues and Solutions:
My app will not work
Step 1 - Close App
Step 2 – Hard Restart
Step 3 – Check iPad Storage
Step 4 – Update app
Step 5 - Update your iOS
My Wifi is not connecting
Step 2 – Cycle Wi-Fi - Turn Wifi off then on in Settings - Wifi
Step 3 - Try the Guest network in Settings - Wifi
An app will not install
Step 1 – Hard Restart
Step 2 – Check Usage
I need to remove my Apple ID from my iPad
I need to turn on or off Find My iPad.
My Google Drive will not download to Schoology
Step 1 – Hard Restart
Step 2 – Check Usage
I can’t get into Infinite Campus
Step 1 - Log in on a computer with your district credentials (Student ID and your password). If you cannot get logged in with the same credentials you tried with Infinite Campus then your password is wrong. The Media Center or iPad office can help you get your password changed.
Step 2 – If you were able to logon in step 1, delete app off of your iPad
Step 3 - Reinstall app
Step 4 - Sign in to the app with your district credentials
The Infinite Campus Mobile Portal app needs a District ID: RJYQTN
I want to connect my Calendar on my iPad with Schoology
Click here for written instructions and a video to help you connect Schoology to your Calendar app.
I can’t get into Google Drive
Step 1 - Log in on a computer and bring up a browser. Go to Google. Log in with your school email (, where XXXXX is the first 3 letters of your first name, the first 3 letters of your last name and your identifier such as 01, 02, 03 ...) and your computer password. If you cannot get logged in with the same credentials you tried with on your iPad, then your password is wrong. The Media Center or iPad office can help you get your password changed.
Step 2 – If you were able to logon in step 1, delete app off of your iPad
Step 3 - Reinstall app
Step 4 - Sign in to the app with your username and password from above.
I want to back up my notes in Notability.
I want to back up my photos and videos to my Google Drive.
I want to restore my backed up Notability notes from my Google Drive.
My iPad won't charge or turns off randomly
Turn off Bluetooth
I need to update my iPad to the latest iOS.