

Through physical activity, this course aims to build healthy body and mind for better school life.


Through physical activity and education, students will learn to develop their physical and mental

capacities in ways that will lead to a better student life.

In this class, students will experience a physical education lesson that will familiarize them with the life at the new university, promote prosocial human relationships with people from diverse backgrounds.

Through physical activities, students will deepen their understanding of self, others in group activities, sports, and problem solving exercises.

* It is a graduation compulsory course.



* 卒業必修科目です。

Learning Goals(学修目標)

1. Understand the social, recreational and sporting environment at ICU.

2. Increase physical activity and knowledge of sports in a cooperative and social context.

3. Develop health-promoting patterns of activity that contribute to a healthy and fulfilling life.

1. ⼤学での⽣活環境に慣れる

2. ⾃主的、積極的に活動できることを目指す

3. 充実した⽣活を送るために、⾃分の体⼒を知る


· Warm-up exercise and team building actvities

· Self-introductions and getting to know classmates

· Recreational game and sense activities

· Walking, jogging, etc.

· Relaxation

* Instruction will vary by instructor, although the broad educational and physyical education themes will remain the same.

・ 体操、ストレッチの基本

・ ⾃⼰紹介、仲間を知る、⼤学内を知る

・ レクリエーションゲーム

・ ウォーキング、ジョギングなど

・ リラクゼーション 等

Language of Instruction(教授⾔語の詳細)


Grading Policy(成績評価基準)




The credits are 1/3 credits.

Those who attended more than two-thirds of the total number of classes will be evaluated.

Class evaluation will be conducted from the viewpoint of "Skill (40-50)" "knowledge (20-30)" "attitude (20-30)" and "absence seats".

Expected study hour outside class(授業時間外学習)


We will ask for several comments and submit a report at the end of term.




1. 授業内容をシラバスにて詳細を確認してください。

2. 運動のできる服装(動き易い、清潔、安全/ジャージ等)を準備してください。

3. 貴重品(財布、携帯電話等)は授業に持参してください。まとめて預かります。

4. スポーツシューズ




5. ツメは短く切り,「ピアス」「ネックレス」「リング」「付け⽖」等は外してください。

6. 授業中はガムを噛むことのないようにしてください。

7. ⽔分補給⽤の飲料等は教場まで持参していただいて結構です。



1. Please check the details in the syllabus.

2. Prepare clothes that are suitable for exercise (comfortable, warm, appropriate etc.).

3. Please bring valuables (wallet, mobile phone etc.) to class. We keep them together in one area.

4. Sports shoes

1) Outdoor sports shoes

2) Sports shoes for the gym (non-marking)

3) Class participation in leather shoes, pumps, high heels is not allowed

5. Cut nails short and remove jewelries such as piercings necklaces and rings .

6. Please do not chew gum during class.

7. You may bring drinks for hydration to the school (preferably water).

[Tutorial] 4 / Th : If you need questions, advice, consultation, etc. about the class, please contact with the instructor in charge in advance.