College & Career

I visited The University of California Irvine for college day. It's located in Irvine which is in Orange County. The school had a nice campus with a lot of trees and a fountain. Before my visit I learned that my aunt, uncle, and my mom went to UCI for undergrad. I also learned that the campus is a convenient place to live because everything is within walking distance. I enjoyed my visit to UCI and I liked the school because it seemed like a peaceful place to live and study.

When I got to UCI the first thing I noticed was how the campus was so clean and beautiful. It looked like it was in a huge park with big grassy areas. I also liked how there was a good selection of restaurants on campus. It felt like living in a small town. Something that I learned during my trip to UCI was that they have different subjects to major in like computer science, engineering, or biology. They don't have sports teams but they have clubs that I can join. I also learned that students live in the dorms or off campus.

The exciting thing about this college was that the students have freedom to do what they want. There was a protest about people not getting paid for working overtime. The students were holding up signs and blowing an air horn. It's cool that the school let them protest their thoughts. I also like that the students can pick there own classes on what they want to study. During the tour, it was funny to see our tour guide jump into the fountain. I've included a picture of it below. I didn't take any pictures of myself on campus so I don't have that to share . I wish that the school had a sports team so I could go to the game and watch them.

Overall, I liked the school because it had a nice campus. It was a lively place with a lot of things to entertain you. I'm not sure if I would go there because it's far from my home and they don't have a sports team.