
Class book - Fast Food Nation by Erik Schlosser

SHARK TANK - Spring Exhibition

Do you like sports but don’t have the time to play it in your daily life? Now you can have the time to play it by coming to the gym where all sports are served. I know a lot of people that say they like sports but don’t have time to exercise on a daily basis. A lot of people after work and school like to go on their electronics because they feel like it’s rewarding. By opening this gym with all the sports from around the US this will decrease the persons electronic time and motivate them on how exercising daily is good for the human body.

This fitness plan is good for the body because the sport American football makes you sprint. Sprinting is a good workout because it makes you sweat, and makes you fall asleep easier.

My exercise impacts the muscles by working out the tendons in the legs and making the leg muscles. It also makes the leg muscles more sore if you start sprinting without stretching your body.

My workout positively impacted my heart and body by running long sprints. The sport is a good way to get your heart rate up but to a point where you aren’t pushing yourself too far and getting injured.