
Mi Fotoperiodismo Proyecto

Trenes, trenes, y más trenes

Evening glare on the train makes a good picture.

El resplandor de la noche en el tren hace una buena imagen.

The headlights illuminates in the evening.

Los faros se iluminan por la noche.

Two trains meet at the Oceanside Train Station.

Dos trenes se encuentran en la estación de tren de Oceanside.

The midday train casts much needed shade on this hot platform.

El tren del mediodía arroja una sombra muy necesaria en la caliente platforma

A spectacular aerial view from a hotel balcony.

Una espectacular vista aérea desde el balcón de un hotel.

View of San Clemente beach while onboard Amtrak.

Vista de la playa de San Clemente a bordo de Amtrak.

A rare glimpse of a Canadian Pacific in Fullerton, California.

Una visión poco común de un Pacífico Canadiense en Fullerton, California.

A photographer's view.

La visión de un fotógrafo.

Mi Fotoperiodismo - REFLECTION

Trenes, trenes, y más trenes

I was happy that I was able to go and take photographs of trains for Spanish. I think trains are fun to photograph and trains play a big part in who I am and what I do on my free time. This project influenced me to see and photograph trains in a different way than what I was normally doing. I tried taking pictures of the trains in different angles, in different lighting (with the sun glare, in the shade, in the evening), and from different view spots.

One bad experience was that it was really hot on some days and I had to wear a mask when I was on the train station platforms. This was uncomfortable, but tolerable. Another bad experience was using public restrooms during this pandemic. Sometimes it was hard to find one open. I had to be careful to maintain social distance while using the bathroom.

What I would do differently next time is maybe try going out early in the morning or later in the evening to take pictures of trains. I would try to definitely avoid going out when it is super hot outside.

I enjoyed doing this project because it was something that I love doing in my free time. I found this project meaningful because I liked sharing it with the class and I feel like they now know me a little better.

Copy of Spanish - prison poem


a) Qué pasó bien con el Proyecto y qué no pasó bien...por qué?....explica!

What went well was that it was a familiar topic that Alexis and I are already working on in Humanities; therefore, it didn’t require a lot of research on the topic. Prison labor was a subtopic of our cruel and unusual punishment main topic. Also, working with Alexis was fun because he is a friend and we agreed on the project.

We didn’t agree on the personal art that we were going to add to the poem. So that part was more challenging. In the end, we used a digital art that we agreed to.

b) Qué fue la parte más significante del proyecto?...por qué...explica!

After we wrote a draft for the poem, my sister helped make edits to it and I think it turned out great. It made me interested in writing poems. Since then I’ve written a short poem about trains.

c) Qué harias diferentemente la próxima vez con el proyecto?....por qué...explica!

I think we used black and white this time. But next time I think I would have liked to add more color to it and be more creative with the background and artwork.


Spoken Word Piece Presentación

The issue of US prison labor which seems to mimic slavery. In 1865, the 13th Amendment was ratified, abolishing slavery and involuntary servitude: “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction”. Even though slavery was abolished, the 13th Amendment still supports the use of slavery and it is accepted if it a form of punishment for crimes committed. It seems that slavery has been reinvented with incarcerated people being used as laborers of the state. Statistics have shown that about 6% of the prison population are assigned to doing labor like sewing, fighting fires, or manufacturing and they get paid approximately $1/hr. The racial dis-proportionality of US incarcerated people is clear that more blacks and hispanics of lower socioeconomic groups of our society fall into this category of prison laborers.




CESAR PELLI - Los Maestros Creativos



1) Qué pasó bien con el Proyecto?...por qué?...Explíca.

What happened well with the Project? ... why? ... Explain

I was one of the first people to present last Thursday. I stepped up and got it done. My Spanish speaking skills have improved with a lot of practice and preparation prior to presenting. It was interesting and fun to learn about the famous landmarks that Cesar Pelli designed. Many of his buildings we’ve seen and didn’t realize he was involved in creating. Now when I go back to SF, I will revisit the Salesforce Tower and the completed transit hub on the lower floors.

2) Qué no pasó bien con el Proyecto?...por qué no?...Explíca.

What did not go well with the Project? ... why not? ... Explain.

Something that didn’t go as smoothly was finding Cesar Pelli’s earlier landmark designs because they weren’t as available on the internet. For example: the TWA original terminal was designed in 1960 by Cesar Pelli and I was only able to find one picture of it and few descriptions of it.

3) Qué fue la parte más significante del proyecto?...por qué?...Explíca.

What was the most significant part of the project? ... why? ... Explain.

I learned a lot about these buildings that I’ve seen before and didn’t know he was involved in the design of it. Also, I learned about his amazing past involvement as Dean of School of Architecture at Yale. Volunteering to present my creative piece/slideshow to the class as the 3rd person to present felt good too. I got positive feedback for it.

4) Qué harias diferentemente la próxima vez con el Proyecto?...Explíca.

What would you do differently next time with the Project? ... Explain.

If given the opportunity, I would present my re-expression piece in person. I made a collage but it was not easy for the class to see on zoom. The collage I made was of the Salesforce Tower in SF and in the shape of this tower, which was the last building he designed before he passed away.

5) Hay Comentarios, Sugerencias, Preguntas?

Are there Comments, Suggestions, Questions?

I liked this project. I thought it was fun and a nice way to learn Spanish and about Spanish culture.