
Nathan Lee - Hawaiian Hawk, Passion Project Slides

Passion Project

The Hawaiian Hawk is found only in Hawaii. It eats other birds, rats, and even large insects. They don’t hang out with each other, they lay only 1 egg per season, and spotting one is considered to be good luck.

I learned that it was put on the endangered species list in 1967 when the population was down to only a few hundred individuals, but was removed from the list in 2020 after the population increased to about 3000.

I wanted to learn more about the impact humans have had on the Hawaiian Hawk and other bird populations in Hawaii.

You can scroll through my class presentation on the Hawaiian Hawk to learn more about the topic.


Health Tracking - Football

For playing American football, the following muscles are involved to help in jumping and sprinting:

  • Glutes - the butt muscles that extend the upper leg while running and jumping

  • Quadriceps - the muscles on the front of the thigh that allow you to flex the upper leg and extend the lower leg

  • Hamstrings - the muscles on the back of the thigh that flex the lower leg and also work with the glutes to extend the upper leg

Running and sprinting helps cardiovascular system:

  • strengthens the heart muscle

  • lowers resting pulse rate

  • Allows you to take in a higher amount of oxygen

  • the heart can handle pumping a larger amount of blood per beat, which helps the heart perform its job with ease.

Progression over time:

I started off doing 8 sprints because the weather was in the upper 80’s and I find it hard to do sprints when it’s really hot. Over time I started to not mind the heat as much and pushed myself more, so I did in between 11 and 18 sprints. My final tracking number was 18 sprints.

How the sprint exercises help me play football:

The sprinting and running exercises help strengthen my heart and muscles, both of which are needed to play football. I noticed over time my muscles were not as sore when doing the sprints and I wasn’t breathing as hard. So exercise definitely built up my strength and endurance, allowing me to play harder and longer.

For playing American football, the following muscles are involved to help in jumping and sprinting:

  • Glutes - the butt muscles that extend the upper leg while running and jumping

  • Quadriceps - the muscles on the front of the thigh that allow you to flex the upper leg and extend the lower leg

  • Hamstrings - the muscles on the back of the thigh that flex the lower leg and also work with the glutes to extend the upper leg


I learned a lot about the muscle system in biology this year. I learned that tendons connect muscles to bones, ligaments connect bones to other bones, and cartilage provides a cushion inside joints between bones. Also, besides the voluntary muscles that we’re all familiar with, there are also involuntary muscles in the gut that do their work without us having to control them. The third type of muscle is cardiac muscle, which has to keep pumping every second of every day!

There are 5 properties of muscles:

  1. Muscles are excitable, which means that our nerve signals tell the muscles when to contract.

  2. Muscles are contractible, which means they can shorten in length.

  3. Muscles are also extensible, which means they can be stretched without damage.

  4. Muscles have elasticity, which means they return to their original size and shape after contracting or extending.

  5. Muscles are adaptable, which means they can change based on how they are used. Weight lifters use this to make themselves stronger. Astronauts suffer from this as their muscles waste away when not being used in zero gravity.

For our health tracking exercise program. I started off doing 8 sprints at a time.

Over time I started to push myself more and I did in between 11 and 18 sprints per session. My final tracking number was 18 sprints.

The sprinting and running exercises help strengthen my heart and muscles, both of which are needed to play football. I noticed over time my muscles were not as sore when doing the sprints and I wasn’t breathing as hard. So exercise definitely built up my strength and endurance, allowing me to play harder and longer.