Do you provide online tutoring?

Yes, for the Fall 2022 semester, Writing Center appointments will be conducted both in-person and online.

Do I have to pay for a tutoring session?

No. All tutoring sessions are free of charge to anyone who is currently affiliated with the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa.

Do writing consultants proofread papers?

Because our goal is to equip you with appropriate writing skills so that you can become a better and more confident writer, we do not proofread or edit papers. We are here to share with you different techniques and methods for you to learn how to proofread or edit on your own in a one-on-one setting. You may certainly bring up your concerns with grammar and mechanics, but please note that writing consultants will usually want to address larger concerns like organization and quality of arguments first.

If you require or desire proofreading, please contact the English department at (808) 956-7619 or visit Kuykendall 402 for a list of freelance editors. While our services in the Writing Center are free of charge, freelance editors may charge a fee.

May I drop off my essay to a writing consultant and return later to pick up my corrected essay?

No. In keeping with appropriate writing center practices, the writing consultants will not accept dropped-off papers and “correct” them. Our aim is to help you cultivate a range of writing skills that you can apply in your future academic and professional work. We feel this refinement is best achieved through face-to-face dialogue with a writing consultant.

Can I email my essay to a writing consultant and receive the changes through e-mail?

No, we do not accept submissions (electronic or hard copies) prior to your appointment.

How many appointments can I make in a week?

You may schedule 3 appointments at The Writing Center per week. As we evaluate usage of our service, our policies may change.

What do I need to bring to a tutoring session?

At minimum, you should bring your assignment prompt(s) or instructions and, of course, your willingness to collaborate and to engage in a productive conversation about your writing.

What happens if I cancel an appointment?

You can cancel an appointment up to 12 hours before your scheduled appointment. If you cancel an appointment twelve hours or more in advance, there will be no penalty, and you can freely schedule another appointment; however, cancelling two appointments within 12 hours of their start times will result in your being unable to schedule any further appointments for the remainder of the semester until your account is reauthorized by the Director.

What happens if I'm late?

Out of courtesy to your writing consultant and other writers, please arrive to your appointment on time. Your tutoring session will not be extended and will continue to end at the allotted time. After 15 minutes, your appointment will be cancelled and you will be considered a “no show.” If you acquire two “no-shows” in a semester, you must e-mail the Director before making another appointment for the rest of the semester.

I have a 5-page (or 15-page) paper. Will we be able to get through the whole paper in one session?

Our goal for each session is to help you become a better writer, which often involves a lot of discussion and trying out different strategies. Depending on the situation, an entire 45-minute session can cover anywhere from a few pages to a few words. If you have a longer paper, we strongly encourage you to schedule recurring appointments to work through one section of your paper at a time.

The Writing Center
