HHS Acceptable Use Policy


Hanover High School is pleased to have computer resources to facilitate resource sharing, innovation, and communication. The purpose of this Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is to manage the use and support of these resources to foster an environment that supports the educational objectives of the school and promotes safe, ethical and legal uses of computing resources.

The guidelines outlined in this acceptable use policy apply not only to the equipment and resources owned by Hanover High School but also to any privately owned devices used in school during the course of the normal school day.


Technology users at Hanover High School are expected to abide by the guidelines delineated below:


Regulation of the Hanover High School Acceptable Use Policy is the responsibility of the HHS Technology Coordinator, the SAU Systems Administrator or his/her designee in conjunction with the Dean of Students. This body reserves the right to prohibit conduct, communication, or content which it deems harmful to individual users, to the school community, to the network itself, or which is illegal. In addition, this body may impose consequences for violations of the acceptable use policy based on the guidelines listed.

Use of Computers and Mobile Devices

Computers and mobile devices at HHS are for educational purposes. It is within a teacher’s purview to limit use of such devices to support our educational goals.

Use of Email and Social Media

Users should maintain proper online conduct at all times.

Examples of proper conduct include:

    • maintaining a secure and private password

    • always using appropriate language

    • refraining from harassment and/or personal attacks

    • never using another person’s password to access social media accounts, e-mail, etc.

    • no mass mailing without teacher sponsorship or administrative approval

    • confining use of electronic communications solely to further educational objectives

For more information and tips on positive uses of e-mail and good online citizenship please visit the HHS Technology Department website.

Use of Network Resources and Printing

Internet Use

The Internet offers vast, diverse, and unique resources. Our use of the Internet is closely linked to the mission and goals of the school. We firmly believe that the value of the information and interaction available on this worldwide network far outweighs the possibility that users may procure material that is inconsistent with the educational goals of the district. Rather than relying on filtering technology, Hanover High School has chosen instead to train students in the responsible, safe, and ethical use of the Internet. Students should adhere to the following safety and behavior guidelines in order to protect the school’s ability to provide this resource to the community.

The student’s use of the school’s network and Internet resources should support the educational objectives of the school. Access to the Internet is a privilege and not a right. Users should take responsibility for their own behavior. Inappropriate behavior may result in the loss of this privilege. Technology is constantly changing and because of that fact, the guidelines for Internet use, listed below are also subject to change.

Safety Guidelines

In the interest of protecting personal safety, users should be cautious with giving out personal information and should take steps to understand about “secure” communications.

Users should avoid:

    • transmitting personal information such as a full name, driver’s license number, financial data, home and/or cell phone number. (see information on secure websites, passwords, etc.)

    • sending photos that are lewd, suggestive, or that involve nudity. (see information on legal ramifications).

    • clicking on links or downloading anything sent from unknown people or links or messages that are out of character for people you do know.

Behavior Guidelines

Users are expected to be polite and considerate of other users, to use appropriate language in electronic communications, and to confine their use of computing resources to further educational objectives.

The following behaviors are considered unacceptable:

    • Using information technology resources for commercial purposes, partisan political purposes, or for any unlawful purpose.

    • Using electronic media to harass or threaten other persons, or to display, design, copy, store, draw, print, or publish obscene language or graphics.

    • Repeatedly or purposefully engaging in activities which unreasonably tax computing and network resources or go beyond their intended or acceptable use. (Ex. see training document/page).

    • Borrowing, lending, falsifying or misusing a computer account, or allowing, or facilitating the unauthorized access to use of school computing resources by a third party.

    • Using school computing resources to gain or attempt to gain unauthorized access to computing resources either inside or outside of school.

    • Interfering with the operation of the school’s information technology resources by deliberately attempting to degrade or disrupt resource performance, security, or administrative operation (see training document).

    • Intercepting or attempting to intercept or otherwise monitor any communications not explicitly intended for him or her without authorization.

    • Copying, reading, accessing, using, misappropriating, altering, publishing or destroying computer files, output data, documents or other files of another individual or attempts to do so, without the permission of that individual, teacher, or authorized administrator.

    • Making, distributing and/or using unauthorized duplicates of copyrighted material, including software applications, proprietary data, and information technology resources. This includes sharing of entertainment (e.g., music, movies, video games) files in violation of copyright law. (see training document)

    • Violating the terms and conditions of software license agreements for software distributed by the school, by giving, lending, selling, or leasing such media or software to others for their own use. (see training document)

    • Using electronic communications in any manner which violates school/District policies or local/state/Federal laws.


Consequences for abuse of technology and/or network resources at Hanover High School may include but not be limited to schedule up, suspension of technology or network use, suspension from school or in some cases legal action as deemed necessary by the Dean of Students in cooperation with the HHS Technology Coordinator and the District Technology Supervisor.