
Chromebook 1-1 Guidelines


1.0 General Information

The policies, procedures and information within this document apply to all student Chromebook computers used by students enrolled in Hanover High School in the 2014-2015 school year, including any other device considered by the Administration to come under this policy. Teachers may set additional requirements for use in their classroom.

1.1 Receiving the Chromebook

Parents and students must review the HHS Acceptable Use Policy and sign and return the Student and Parent Agreement for Chromebook Use before the Chromebook can be issued to the student. This Agreement summarizes rights and responsibilities with respect to the Chromebook.

1.2 Ownership of the Chromebook

A Chromebook, and power adapter will be distributed to each student for use while enrolled in HHS in 2014-2015. The Chromebook is school property and is to be returned to the school district upon the student leaving the district. Parents/students shall be responsible for safekeeping and maintenance of the Chromebook. If the Chromebook is damaged or destroyed, the parents/students shall be responsible for its replacement. Use of the Chromebook at school shall be subject to all applicable District policies, rules and procedures, including but not necessarily limited to the HHS Acceptable Use Policy.

2.0 Care of the Chromebook

Parents/Students are responsible for the care and maintenance of the Chromebook. In that regard, parents/students should follow the manufacturer’s instructions for safe handling, storage, cleaning, maintenance, and repair. The District is not responsible for any theft, loss, or other damage of any type to the Chromebook.

3.0 Using the Chromebook at School

The Chromebook is intended for use at school each day, subject to direction and approval from the classroom teacher. In addition to teacher expectations for Chromebook use, school messages, announcements, calendars, and schedules may be accessed using the Chromebook. Students are responsible for bringing their Chromebooks to all classes unless specifically instructed not to do so by their teacher.

3.1 Chromebook Undergoing Repair

A loaner Chromebook may be issued to a student when a Chromebook is under repair. There may be a delay in checking out a loaner Chromebook depending on the number of available devices. While every effort will be made to provide one, the District does not guarantee that a loaner Chromebook will be available.

3.2 Charging the Chromebook Battery

Chromebooks must be brought to school each day fully charged. HHS will not provide extra chargers for each classroom.

3.3 Wallpaper/Background photos

Inappropriate media may not be used as a wallpaper or background photo. Inappropriate media includes, but is not limited to the following: the presence of guns, weapons, pornographic materials, inappropriate language, alcohol, drug, gang-related symbols, or pictures. If inappropriate media is used, it will result in disciplinary action.

3.4 Sound and Music Programs

Sound must be muted at all times unless permission is obtained from the teacher for instructional purposes. Music is allowed on the Chromebook and can be used at the discretion of the teacher.

3.5 Printing

Printing at school is available with the Chromebook on a very limited basis and is subject to the discretion and approval of the classroom teacher. Printing at home may require a specific make/model printer. The District is not responsible for providing a printer and the parents/students assume sole responsibility for selecting and obtaining any printer, if desired.

3.6 Home Internet Access

Parents/Students shall determine whether to allow for a home wireless network on their Chromebooks or for other internet access at home. It is incumbent upon the parents to monitor and manage student Internet activity while at home.

4.0 Managing Files and Saving to the Chromebook/HHS Network Resources

Limited storage space will be available on the Chromebook and will NOT be backed up in case of re-imaging or device malfunction. It is recommended that students also save documents to their Hanover Norwich Schools Google Apps for Education account. In addition, students are able to email documents to themselves and/or their teachers.

It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that work is not lost due to mechanical failure or accidental deletion.

4.1 Network Connectivity

HHS makes no guarantee that its network will be up and running 100% of the time. In the rare case that the network is down, the District will not be responsible for lost or missing data.

5.0 Software Originally Installed on Chromebooks

The software/apps/extensions installed by HHS must remain on the Chromebook in usable condition and be easily accessible at all times. Any District-provided software/apps may not be tampered with, altered, deleted, or otherwise removed without the express written permission of the District. Data storage will be through apps on the Chromebook and through Hanover Norwich Schools Google Apps for Education accounts. From time to time, the school may add software/apps for use in a particular course.

5.1 Additional Software

Parents/Students may not download apps to the Chromebooks unless it is part of the HHS Collection on the Chrome Store.

5.2 Inspection

The Chromebooks are the property of Hanover High School and as such may be inspected at any time.

5.3 Procedure for Re-loading Software

If technical difficulties occur, illegal software has been installed, “jailbreaking”1 has been attempted, or apps are discovered that are inappropriate under District policies, rules, and procedures, the District reserves the right to restore the Chromebook to its factory state, with any software or apps installed by the manufacturer and the District. The school does not accept responsibility for the loss of any software or documents deleted due to a re-format. Violations will be addressed as outlined in this handbook, including possible disciplinary action.

5.4 Software Upgrades

Upgrade versions of licensed software/apps are available from time to time. The District may require students to update their Chromebooks as it deems appropriate. Students shall allow such updates to be installed when requested by the District.

6.0 Statement of Responsibility for Appropriate Use of the Chromebook

The use of Hanover High School’s technology equipment and network is a privilege, not a right.

The privilege of using the technology resources provided by Hanover High School is not transferrable by a student to people or groups outside the district and terminates when a student is no longer enrolled in Hanover High School. This agreement is provided to make all users aware of the responsibilities associated with efficient, ethical, and lawful use of the Chromebook. If a student violates any of the provisions in this agreement, or any District policies, rules, and procedures regarding the acceptable use of technology, privileges may be terminated, access to the District’s technology resources may be denied, and the appropriate disciplinary action shall be applied. The Hanover High discipline policy shall be applied to student infractions.

The act of “jailbreaking” the Chromebook (including accessing Developer Mode) voids any warranty and is in strict violation of appropriate use of the Chromebook, the guidelines in this agreement, and District policies, rules, and procedures. Chromebook privileges will be terminated and appropriate disciplinary action shall be applied if a student/parent engages in such misconduct.

Student users should assume that none of their data is private or confidential. Any communication or data on the network may be subject to review by network or school administration.

6.1 Parent/Guardian Responsibilities

    • Review the Hanover High School Acceptable Use Policy

    • Talk with their student about values and the standards that their student should follow on the use of the Internet, just as they would on the use of all media information sources such as television, telephones, movies, and radio.

    • Monitor their student’s Internet activity and instruct them on proper digital citizenship.

    • Maintain the Chromebook as a personal learning tool in the pursuit of academic success.

6.2 School Responsibilities

    • Provide Internet and email access.

    • Provide network data storage areas.

    • Provide staff with professional development to guide, prepare, and inspire students in their pursuit of academic success.

6.3 Student Responsibilities

    • Comply with general school rules concerning behavior and communication that apply to the Chromebook as outlined in this document, the HHS Chromebook Agreement, as well as all District policies, rules, and procedures governing the use of technology.

    • Use all technology resources in an appropriate manner so as not to damage school equipment. This damage includes, but is not limited to, “jailbreaking” the Chromebook or service interruptions caused by the student’s own negligence, errors, or omissions.

    • Help HHS protect the computer network and devices by contacting a teacher or technology staff about any security problems that may be encountered.

    • Monitor all activity on their account(s) and keep passwords private and uncompromised (except for disclosure to school officials as required or allowed by District policies, rules and procedures).

    • Use computers/devices in a responsible and ethical manner.

    • Always put the Chromebook to sleep after use and secure the Chromebook to protect all work and information.

    • If a student should receive email or other electronic message(s) containing inappropriate or abusive language or if the subject matter is questionable, the student should turn it in to a teacher or principal or show the teacher or principal the Chromebook.

6.4 Chromebook Care

    • Students will be held responsible for maintaining their individual Chromebooks and keeping them in good working order.

    • Labels or stickers that are inappropriate or impermissible at school shall not be placed onto the Chromebook or its protective case.

    • Chromebooks that malfunction or are damaged must be repaired by the parents/students promptly. FIXME

    • Any damage to Chromebooks must be reported immediately. A student with his/her Chromebook in need of repair may pick up a loaner Chromebook from the Technology Department for temporary use at school as long as such loaners are available. This temporary Chromebook may NOT be available for home use depending on the tech department's resources/circumstances at that time.

    • Chromebooks that are lost or stolen must be reported immediately to the technology department.