Troupe 8619

Troupe 8619

What is the International Thespian Society?

The International Thespian Society (ITS), founded in 1929, is the world's largest theatre honor society for high school and middle school theatre students located at more than 4,600 affiliated secondary schools across America and abroad. The mission of ITS is to honor student achievement in the theatre arts. High school inductees are known as Thespians and junior high/middle school inductees are known as Junior Thespians. ITS is a division of the Educational Theatre Association (EdTA).

Who is eligible for ITS induction?

Eligible students are in grades 9 through 12 and have earned 10 induction points. 5 of those points should be earned at Hanover Area Jr./Sr. High School and all points should be earned through participating in at least two full-length productions, or one full-length and two one-acts, or four one-acts. At the director's discretion, students may earn up to 5 points toward induction through participation in community, children's, middle school, or professional theatre. Do you meet these standards? Then see our troupe officers to get inducted!

Benefits of Thespian Induction