Class Information

🍎 Class Rules:

We will:

1)  listen.

2)  follow directions.

3)  raise our hand.

4)  keep our hands to ourselves.

5)  take turns.

6)  put things away.

7)  be kind.

8)  help others.

9)  share.

🍎 AJ Essential 18:

🍎 K4 Back to School Start Dates:

K4 students will start the 2024-2025 school year on a staggered schedule based on their LAST NAME beginning with:

          *A-D attend Thursday, August 8

          *E-K attend Friday, August 9

          *L-Q attend Monday, August 12

          *R-Z attend Tuesday, August 13

ALL K4 students will attend school daily starting Wednesday, August 14th.  

K4 School Hours:  7:45-2:15