Believe in yourself. You can do this!

If you are worrying here are some tips:

-Remember your breathing strategies we practice on the news show.

-Belly breathing


-Square breathing.

-Tell yourself it is going to be OK. Remember how we send well wishes from our heart when our friends are absent. Send "well wishes" to the person we are worrying about.

-It may be best not to watch videos online. They are upsetting and it is OK to not watch.

These are some websites you may enjoy.

Bully Busters

Stop Bullying Now

Trouble Terminator

Helpful Tips That Can Keep You Out of Trouble

The Write Mood

How Are You Feeling Today?

Stress Reliever

A Resource That Can Help You Relieve Stress

Fun Brain

Learning Made Fun!

PBS Kids

The Place For Kids!

Memory Boosters

Learn Ways to Increase Your Memory

Test Taking Tips

Helpful tips for Teachers, Parents and Students To Relieve Test Anxiety

Mrs. Manley’s Counseling Classroom

Mrs. Manley's Classroom

Click on objects in the room to explore!


Bucket Filling

Be a bucket filler.

Be kind.

Help others.

K is for Kindness

Kindness leads to happiness.

It will brighten up your day.

The thoughtful things you say and do

will chase the blues away.

(Excerpt from our award-winning book, Bucket Filling from A to Z: The Key to Being Happy.)