PE Syllabus

Syllabus for Physical Education

Dr. Richburg

It is my goal at Hillcrest Middle School to develop physically literate students who have knowledge, skills and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of physical activity.

To develop a physically active lifestyle, a physically literate individual

  • Has learned the skills necessary to perform a variety of physical activities,

  • Is physically fit

  • Participates regularly in physical activity,

  • Knows the implications of and the benefits from involvement in physical activities, and

  • Values physical activity and its contribution to a healthy lifestyle.

It is our goal to facilitate students in improving their quality of life through the following physical activities:

  • Fitness (Pre-Test)

  • Football (Team Activity)

  • Soccer (Team Activity)

  • Tennis (Net / Racket Activity)

  • Bowling (Target Activity)

  • Basketball (Team Activity)

  • Volleyball (Team Activity)

  • Lacrosse (Team Activity)

  • Fitness (Post Test)

This will be accomplished by using a student-centered approach while teaching the psychomotor, cognitive, and affective aspects of physical fitness and demonstrating personal responsibility in all areas of the curriculum.

Instructional Goals

Students will be able to develop a physically active lifestyle and become physically literate individuals;

by participating in the following physical activities; Fitness (Pre-Test), Football (Team Activity), Soccer (Team Activity) ,Tennis (Net / Racket Activity) , Bowling (Target Activity), Basketball (Team Activity), Volleyball (Team Activity),Lacrosse (Team Activity) Fitness (Post Test).

by executing the skills necessary for proficient and exemplary performance in the following activities; Fitness (Pre-Test), Football (Team Activity), Soccer (Team Activity) ,Tennis (Net / Racket Activity) , Bowling (Target Activity), Basketball (Team Activity), Volleyball (Team Activity),Lacrosse (Team Activity) Fitness (Post Test).

by participating regularly in the following physical activities; Fitness (Pre-Test), Football (Team Activity), Soccer (Team Activity) ,Tennis (Net / Racket Activity) , Bowling (Target Activity), Basketball (Team Activity), Volleyball (Team Activity),Lacrosse (Team Activity) Fitness (Post Test), with visible and valid documentation along with tracking data of student activity.

by cognitively communicating in written form through teacher made assessments for all of the following activities; Fitness (Pre-Test), Football (Team Activity), Soccer (Team Activity) ,Tennis (Net / Racket Activity) , Bowling (Target Activity), Basketball (Team Activity), Volleyball (Team Activity), Fitness (Post Test) the knowledge of benefits / values of student involvement in physical activities and its contribution to a healthy lifestyle.

All instruction delivered during the following physical activities; Fitness (Pre-Test), Football (Team Activity), Soccer (Team Activity) ,Tennis (Net / Racket Activity) , Bowling (Target Activity), Basketball (Team Activity), Volleyball (Team Activity),Lacrosse (Team Activity) Fitness (Post Test) will be directed by five standard statements.

Standard 1 – Psychomotor

Standard 2 – Cognitive

Standard 3 – Psychomotor

Standard 4 – Affective

Standard 5 – Affective

The five standards statements represent the learning domains for the South Carolina Academic Standards for Physical Education. The standards and indicators are written in a manner that is measurable and observable in order to facilitate the assessment and tracking of student learning.

Standard 1

The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns. (Psychomotor Domain)

Development of motor skills leads to a lifetime of physical activity.

Standard 2

The physically literate individual demonstrates knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance. (Cognitive Domain)

  • Bio mechanics

  • Exercise Physiology

  • Sports Psychology

  • Sociology

  • Summation of Forces

  • Principle of Specificity of Training

  • Effects of Anxiety on performance

  • Tactics / Strategies in Activities

  • Analyze Motor Skill Performance

  • Design / Implement Personal Fitness

Standard 3

The physically literate individual achieves and maintains a health enhancing level of physical activity and fitness. (Psychomotor Domain)

  • Sustain moderate to vigorous activity levels through regular participation in meaningful activity.

  • Students develop an interest in a variety of physical activities

  • choose to participate in activities of interest

  • achieve and maintain health-enhancing level of fitness

Standard 4

The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings. (Affective Domain)

Achievement of self-regulated behaviors that promote personal and group success in a physical active environment.

  • Safe Practices

  • Rules

  • Procedures

  • Etiquette

  • Cooperation

  • Teamwork

  • Ethical Behavior

  • Positive Social Interaction

  • Respect for individual similarities and differences through positive interaction.

Standard 5

The physically literate individual demonstrates awareness that physical activity provides the opportunity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction. (Affective Domain)

Students seek and explore physical activities that facilitate personal growth, challenge, enjoyment and/or interaction with peers.

The standards and course content will be organized to meet the needs of Hillcrest Middle School Students.

The Hillcrest Middle School Physical Education program is comprehensive, instructive and age-appropriate with Hillcrest Middle School Physical Education Directives.


  • Skill

  • Model Proper Attitudes

  • Provide Facts

  • Reinforce importance of physically active lifestyle

  • Set expectations for students to acquire the skills and knowledge of physically literate individuals.

Student Goal

For this school year 100% of Hillcrest Middle School Students will be led toward the achievement of South Carolina Academic Standards for Physical Education.

Expected Student Outcome

Participation in Physical Education shall require clothing appropriate to the activity, such as, tennis shoes, shorts, t-shirts and sweatpants. This promotes freedom of movement, safe participation, and builds a good hygienic practice. Should a student not wear tennis shoes to school, they can bring them in their book bag or store them in their locker and change before class. Should a student have any special needs, they should see their coach to make arrangements. Each unit varies with its duration of time.

Complete refusal of participation will result in failure of Physical Education.


If you are absent from PE you will need to do make-up work for missing the day to receive points for the day. You need to find an article about sports, nutrition, health or fitness, from a newspaper, magazine, online, etc, read it and write one paragraph (at least 5 sentences) summarizing what you’ve learned from the article. You will receive full credit once you turn in your summary and the article to your coach. This is to be done for each day absent (i.e. if you are absent for 3 days then you need to do 3 articles).


Students will be required to complete written assignments in Physical Education when they are unable to participate in performance based activities. Students will be allowed to write a report on any team, athlete, or coach according to the sports unit presented and the student must give reasons why they chose the coach, team,player for the report. Student will be responsible to cite their source of information for any report. The teacher will provide a rubric for the sports report on her website. Every two weeks, students will be engaged with a different sports unit. Fitness Gram results may be obtained by parent request at the conclusion of the Pre/Post Test.


All grades will follow the Greenville County Schools grading scale:

A: 100%-90 % B: 89% – 80% C: 79% – 70% D: 69% – 60% F: 59% – Below

If a student needs to be excused from participating, they must do the following:

  • Bring a signed and dated written note from a parent or guardian with a valid reason (illness/injury).

  • If the student has a serious illness or injury that will keep the student from participating for more than three days a doctor’s note will be required. The coach will then assign alternative work.

Locks and Lockers

There will be a $5.00 rental fee charged for locks. Do not share your locker, you are responsible for your own lock and you are the only one who will be given the combination. Students will be held responsible for their lock and locker.

Behavioral Expectations

Gym, Locker Room, Weight Room, and Fields

Students are required to be in the gym, sitting in rows for attendance, after eight minutes in the locker room, students will be considered tardy for class. The consequences for being tardy will follow the school-wide tardy policy. Dress out quickly and wait to be dismissed to go out to the activity for the day, lock all clothes, books, and valuables in your locker. We are not responsible for your belongings.

Anyone caught defacing the locker room or any school property will be dealt with by administration.

  1. Profanity, fooling around and screaming are not allowed.

  2. Do not enter the Coaches office without permission.

  3. You will be dismissed at the end of class by the coach.

  4. Do not touch any locks or lockers unless it is your own.

  5. Do not share your locker with anyone.

  6. Be on time and dressed properly for P.E.

  7. Do warm-ups and exercises correctly.

  8. Respect equipment and property.

  9. Show good sportsmanship and play fairly.

  10. Set goals for individual improvement.

  11. Follow directions.

If anyone is caught intentionally damaging any part of the physical education facilities or equipment, they will be restricted from use and will be expected to pay for the damages.

*Dr. Aminah A Richburg has the right to revise the above syllabus as needed at any time.