Dr. Aminah A. Richburg
Health and Physical Education Instructor Tanglewood Middle School arichbur@greenville.k12.sc.us
864 355-4570
Dear Parents,
I am looking forward to a fantastic semester teaching your child to enjoy, appreciate, Health and Physical Education. Efforts will be made to correlate Health and Physical Education lessons with the academic core curriculum. In order to provide the best possible learning environment for your student, I will address guidelines for behavior during class if needed. This communication will give every student the opportunity to manage his or her own behavior and will be in effect at all times. Every student has the right to work in a positive learning environment. If a student chooses to break a rule, the following consequences will be imposed: student receives (BACKPACK) documentation along with a note for their parent to sign indicating problematic behavior during class. Parents are encouraged to discuss the matter with their student and contact Dr. Richburg by telephone or email. If the student fails to return the signed note to Dr. Richburg and the behavior continues the following day, Dr. Richburg will submit a referral in the (BACKPACK) system and the student will be referred to school administration.
Thank you for your support. Together, we can make this a terrific experience! Please sign the form below and return it with your son or daughter as soon as possible. Never hesitate to call me if you have questions (864-355-4570) or email (arichbur@greenville.k12.sc.us).
Dr. Aminah A. Richburg
Tanglewood Middle School Health and Physical Education Teacher
STUDENT SIGNATURE______________________________________________________________
PARENT SIGNATURE_______________________________________________________________
PROBLEMATIC BEHAVIOR DURING CLASS_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________