Health Syllabus

Syllabus for Health Education

Dr. Richburg

Health Education – Course Syllabus

  • Dr. Aminah A. Richburg


The goal of health education at Hillcrest Middle School is to develop health literacy in students to promote intrinsic values of lifelong healthy behaviors.

To develop a healthy lifestyle, a health literate individual will:

Ø Identify, Access and Evaluate health information and health promoting products and services

Ø Develop, Practice and Personalize health skill-building activities

Ø Participates regularly in physical activity,

Ø Knows the implications of and the benefits from involvement in physical activities

Ø Values physical activity and its contribution to a healthy lifestyle.

It is our goal to facilitate students in improving their quality of life through the following health skill building activities:

Ø Interpersonal – Communication Skills

Ø Goal Setting

Ø Decision Making

Ø Problem Solving

Ø Group Discussion

Ø Visual Presentation

Ø Individual Projects

Ø Group Projects

Ø Writing

Health literacy in HMS students will be accomplished by using skills based instruction with a student-centered approach.

Health skills are introduced early and are practiced and reinforced over a time as students mature.

Hillcrest students will have instruction in Health every two weeks following Physical Education instruction during the semester covering ATOD, Injury Prevention, Mental, Emotional and Social Health, Nutrition and Physical Activity, Personal and Community Health. The semester will begin with the GCS mandated Sexual Health Curriculum.

Standard 1: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health

Standard 2: Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology, and other factors on health behaviors

Standard 3: Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid information, products, and services to enhance health

Standard 4: Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks

Standard 5: Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health

Standard 6: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health

Standard 7: Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks

Standard 8: “Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health

Instructional Goals

Students are exposed to a variety of intellectual challenges in which students explore health literacy utilizing the South Carolina State standards for Health Education.


D-6.1.1 Identify reasons why individuals use and abuse alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (ATOD).

D-6.1.2 Describe short and long-term effects and consequences of ATOD use, including secondhand smoke.

D-6.1.3 Discuss the risks associated with over-the-counter and prescription drugs.

D-6.2.1 Analyze the influence of family and peers on a person’s ATOD use.

D-6.3.1 Discuss how to identify sources of help for someone who abuses ATOD.

D-6.2.1 Analyze the influence of family and peers on a person’s ATOD use.

D-6.3.1 Discuss how to identify sources of help for someone who abuses ATOD.

D-6.4.1 Utilize refusal skills to avoid ATOD use and to reduce risk behaviors.

D-6.4.2 Determine how to lessen the likelihood of being involved in risk behaviors.

D-6.6.1 State a specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely (SMART) goal to avoid ATOD use.

D-6.7.1 Demonstrate ways to avoid potentially harmful situations involving ATOD use.

D-6.7.2 Demonstrate ways ATOD contributes to harmful situations and behaviors to reduce risk and decrease the chance of being affected.

D-6.8.1 Describe ways to advocate to others the benefits of not using ATOD.


I-6.1.1 Describe ways to reduce and prevent injuries (e.g., helmets, mouth guards, safety equipment, seat belts, water-safety devices).

I-6.1.2 Examine issues surrounding violence and discuss strategies for violence prevention.

I-6.1.3 Describe situations that constitute bullying, cyberbullying, sexual harassment, sexual abuse, sexual assault, rape, domestic violence, and dating violence.

I-6.1.4 Discuss ways sexting violates personal boundaries.

I-6.2.1 Give examples of the threat of gangs or other violent behaviors to personal safety.

I-6.4.1 Explain that no one has the right to touch anyone else in a sexual or physical manner if they do not want to be touched.

I-6.5.1 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of communicating using technology and social media, including the use of the internet.

I-6.7.1 Demonstrate behaviors and strategies to manage anger and conflict in healthy ways.

I-6.7.2 Discuss ways to avoid or reduce threatening situations.

I-6.7.3 Discuss protective strategies to reduce the risk of violence in a person’s home, school, and community.

I-6.8.1 Describe ways to advocate for a safe school environment.

I-6.8.2 List ways to intervene in situations where unsafe behaviors are taking place.


M-6.1.1 Discuss the importance of a positive self-concept.

M-6.1.2 Define the term resiliency.

M-6.1.3 Examine grief and ways to deal with loss.

M-6.1.4 Review decision making models.

M-6.1.5 Identify the risk of self-harm.

M-6.2.1 Compare ways that family and peers influence the mental, emotional, and social health of adolescents.

M-6.2.2 Examine the interrelationship among mental, emotional, social, and physical health in adolescence.

M-6.3.1 Demonstrate the ability to locate appropriate health information and services for dealing with mental health issues within the community.

M-6.4.1 Discuss healthy ways to express feelings and relieve stress.

M-6.4.2 Demonstrate effective ways to communicate personal boundaries and show respect for the boundaries of others.

M-6.5.1 Discuss when it is important to seek information, support, and assistance regarding mental, emotional, and social health.

M-6.7.1 Discuss strategies to maintain or improve mental, emotional, and social health.

M-6.7.2 Compare and contrast the characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships.

M-6.7.3 Analyze the ways in which friends, family, media, society, and culture can influence relationships.


N-6.1.1 Describe the benefits of healthy eating in relation to disease prevention (e.g., preventing cancer; controlling diabetes; reducing the incidence of heart disease; reducing tooth decay).

N-6.1.2 Define the term disordered eating.

N-6.1.3 Explain how the body uses the six essential nutrients.

N-6.1.4 Differentiate between unhealthy and healthy foods, snacks, and beverages.

N-6.1.5 Investigate the nutrition information on food labels to compare products.

N-6.1.6 Describe the interrelationship among diet, physical activity level, and body weight.

N-6.1.7 Examine food intake and physical activity in relation to the current federal Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

N-6.3.1 Access valid information on healthy eating and physical activity.

N-6.7.1 Construct a nutrition plan that meets the current federal Dietary Guidelines for Americans, with an emphasis on healthy foods and beverages.

N-6.7.2 Create and implement a plan to engage in moderate to vigorous daily physical activity.

N-6.8.1 Examine ways to encourage family and peers to choose healthy foods from local producers and increase their physical activity.


P-6.1.1 Compare strategies for reducing risks of chronic and communicable diseases.

P-6.1.2 Give examples of personal hygiene practices (e.g., bathing; using deodorant; brushing and flossing teeth; grooming hair).

P-6.1.3 Describe ways a dentist helps to keep teeth and gums healthy.

P-6.1.4 Define what it means to be a blood donor.

P-6.2.1 Compare ways that peers and the media influence healthy and unhealthy behaviors.

P-6.3.1 Discuss how to determine whether health information, products, and services are valid

P-6.5.1 Identify circumstances that can help or hinder healthy decision making.*

P-6.6.1 Set a SMART goal to develop and implement a personal health and wellness plan (e.g., eating healthy foods; meeting specific goals related to oral health; getting physical activity; sleeping 8–10 hours nightly).

P-6.7.1 Explain the importance of assuming responsibility for personal health behaviors.*

P-6.7.2 Construct a plan to reduce environmental health risks in the school or community

P-6.8.1 State a health-enhancing position on a health-related topic and support it with accurate information.


D-7.1.1 Compare and contrast drug misuse, drug abuse, and drug dependence.

D-7.1.2 Describe risks associated with alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (ATOD)-use, abuse, and addiction.

D-7.1.3 Define opioid prescription medication and drugs.

D-7.1.4 Discuss the impact of ATOD use and abuse on individuals, peers, and family members.

D-7.2.1 Analyze the influence of culture and the media on ATOD use and nonuse.

D-7.3.1 Access valid resources for ATOD related problems.

D-7.5.1 Apply a decision-making process to issues dealing with ATOD.

D-7.5.2 Explain ways a person’s decisions about ATOD affect relationships with family members and peers.

D-7.7.1 Discuss guidelines for using prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs properly.

D-7.8.1 Demonstrate ways to advocate remaining drug-free.


I-7.1.1 Explain the consequences of gangs and bullying/cyberbullying.

I-7.1.2 Illustrate emergency situations (e.g., choking, drowning, poisoning) and safe methods of responding to them (e.g., cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and universal precautions).

I-7.3.1 Demonstrate the ability to utilize resources at home and in the school and community that provide valid safety information and services.

I-7.4.1 Analyze effective conflict management or resolution strategies.

I-7.4.2 Demonstrate communication and refusal skills to promote boundary setting when using technology (e.g., social media, sexting).

I-7.5.1 Develop a plan for the safe use of technology, including social media and texting.

I-7.7.1 Develop injury prevention and treatment strategies for personal and family health.


M-7.1.1 Demonstrate effective ways to communicate personal boundaries and show respect for the boundaries of others.

M-7.3.1 Identify situations that may require professional mental, emotional, and social health services.

M-7.4.1 Explain how talking about feelings and emotions promotes mental health.

M-7.4.2 Describe ways to treat self and others with dignity and respect.

M-7.4.3 Describe ways to respond when someone is being bullied or harassed.

M-7.4.4 Demonstrate communication skills that foster healthy relationships.

M-7.7.1 Discuss coping strategies for managing stress, anger, and other feelings, including depression, and thoughts of self-harm or suicide.

M-7.7.2 Analyze the similarities and differences between friendships and romantic relationships.*

M-7.7.3 Describe a range of ways people express affection within various types of relationships.*

M-7.7.4 Describe the potential impacts of power differences such as age, status, or position within relationships.

M-7.7.5 Discuss strategies for dealing with harmful behaviors in relationships, including dating violence.

M-7.8.1 Demonstrate ways to advocate for safe environments that encourage respectful treatment of self and others.


N-7.1.1 Explain reasons why a person should follow the current federal Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

N-7.1.2 Analyze the benefits of healthy eating in relation to disease prevention.

N-7.1.3 Identify signs and symptoms of disordered eating.

N-7.1.4 Define hydration and explain its benefits during physical activity.

N-7.1.5 Explain the benefits of engaging in moderate to vigorous physical activity daily.

N-7.1.6 Analyze the relationship between healthy foods and beverages, calories, and physical activity.

N-7.1.7 Explain safe food handling and preparation.

N-7.2.1 Analyze ways that culture and the media influence an individual’s food choices and physical activity.

N-7.2.2 Examine the influence of screen time on the physical activity levels of adolescents.

N-7.5.1 Compare food choices from a variety of sources, including restaurants and food at home, to the current federal Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

N-7.6.1 Set a specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely (SMART) goal to achieve a balanced nutrition plan.

N-7.6.2 Create a SMART goal to increase physical activity by monitoring the progress of that goal and making the necessary adjustments to reach it.

N-7.7.1 Explain the relationship between food selection and oral health.

N-7.8.1 Demonstrate ways to advocate the benefits of choosing healthy foods and beverages, and increasing one’s physical activity.


P-7.1.1 Identify strategies to prevent or lessen common adolescent health issues (e.g., acne, disordered eating, inactivity).

P-7.1.2 Explain how oral health problems can affect overall health.

P-7.1.3 Determine ways that hereditary and environmental factors affect personal health.

P-7.2.1 Explain ways that personal perceptions of social norms influence healthy and unhealthy behaviors.

P-7.2.2 Analyze ways that environmental conditions affect personal and community health.

P-7.4.1 Demonstrate how to ask for assistance to enhance the health of self and others.*

P-7.6.1 Explain ways that health goals can vary with changing abilities, priorities, and responsibilities.

P-7.6.2 Develop a SMART goal to adopt, maintain, or improve a personal health practice (e.g., avoid ATOD; promote safety; brush and floss teeth).

P-7.7.1 Describe strategies to detect and treat common health problems.

P-7.8.1 Advocate for a healthy school, community, and natural environment.

P-7.8.2 Identify the ways in which blood and tissue donations are related to health promotion


D-8.1.1 Discuss the reasons that individuals use and abuse alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (ATOD).

D-8.1.2 Examine the short and long-term effects and consequences of ATOD use, including the impact on society.

D-8.1.3 Explain ways to access laws relating to ATOD use, possession, and sales.

D-8.2.1 Discuss the influence of family, peers, culture, and the media on an individual’s opioid use, abuse and dependence.

D-8.2.2 Evaluate the influence of family, peers, culture, and the media on an individual’s ATOD use.

D-8.5.1 Examine ways that a person’s decisions about ATOD affect his or her family and peers, as well as society.

D-8.5.2 Explain when and how to ask for assistance in dealing with ATOD abuse with family members.

D-8.8.1 Advocate for positive alternatives to ATOD use.


I-8.1.1 Identify ways to reduce risk of unintentional and intentional injuries in the home, school, and community.

I-8.1.2 Research the impact of gang activity on individuals, peers, family, school, and the community.

I-8.1.3 Define human trafficking.

I-8.2.1 Explain the effect of gangs on personal safety in the community.

I-8.2.2 Discuss the risk factors, prevention, and support for someone who is involved in human trafficking.

I-8.4.1 Apply refusal and negotiation skills to reduce the risk of injury and promote personal safety.

I-8.5.1 Apply a decision-making process to deal with situations involving personal safety and risk when using technology, including the internet, social media, texting, and sexting.

I-8.7.1 Demonstrate behaviors and strategies to manage conflict in healthy ways.

I-8.7.2 Plan protective strategies to reduce the risk of violence in the home, school, and community

I-8.8.1 Encourage others to provide active bystander-interventions when others are at risk.


M-8.1.1 Examine factors that contribute to a positive self-concept.

M-8.1.2 Discuss the interrelationship among mental, emotional, social, and physical health during adolescence.

M-8.1.3 Describe the characteristics of resiliency.

M-8.1.4 Demonstrate effective ways to communicate personal boundaries and show respect for the boundaries of others.

M-8.2.1 Examine how family, peers, and the media influence the mental, emotional, and social health of adolescents.

M-8.2.2 Evaluate how external influences affect feelings of depression, as well as the risk of self-harm and suicide.

M-8.2.3 Explain ways that the media influences an individual’s body image.

M-8.3.1 Locate valid health information, products, and services.

M-8.4.1 Demonstrate communication skills that foster healthy relationships

M-8.6.1 Implement a stress-management plan.

M-8.7.1 Implement strategies to maintain or improve mental, emotional, and social health.

M-8.7.2 Demonstrate effective skills to negotiate agreements about the use of technology in relationships.

M-8.7.3 Discuss coping strategies to increase resiliency.

M-8.7.4 Describe the potential impacts of power differences such as age, status, or position within relationships.


N-8.1.1 Examine the benefits of choosing healthy foods while following the current federal Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

N-8.1.2 Discuss ways that disordered eating impacts an individual’s health, including oral health.

N-8.1.3 Explain the mental, social and physical benefits of moderate to vigorous physical activity.

N-8.2.1 Describe ways that personal economics and geographic location influence food choices and availability.

N-8.2.2 Discuss the influence of the environment on a person’s physical activity.

N-8.4.1 Explain to others the importance of variety and moderation in food selection and consumption with emphasis on healthy foods and beverages.

N-8.6.1 Create a personal SMART goal to achieve a balanced nutrition plan, monitor the progress of that goal, and make the necessary adjustments to reach it.

N-8.6.2 Develop and implement a plan to increase physical activity.

N-8.6.3 Develop and implement a personal balanced nutritional plan that benefits oral health as well as overall health.

N-8.7.1 Articulate the importance of assuming personal responsibility for consuming healthy foods and beverages, and engaging in physical activity.

N-8.8.1 Implement an advocacy plan to promote healthy food and beverage choices, and physical activity in the community.


P-8.1.1 Explain the components of personal wellness.

P-8.1.2 Discuss how heredity, lifestyle, behaviors, environment, and medical care influence an individual’s health.

P-8.1.3 Research ways in which organ, tissue, and blood donations enhance health promotion.

P-8.2.1 Discuss the ways that social norms influence healthy and unhealthy decisions and behaviors.

P-8.7.1 Explain behaviors that may lead to the spread of communicable diseases.

P-8.7.2 List actions to include in an oral health plan (e.g., floss, receive regular dental cleanings, brush twice a day).

P-8.8.1 Demonstrate ways to encourage others to avoid risk behaviors.

P-8.8.2 Demonstrate ways to advocate for a healthy environment.

The standards/indicators and course content will be organized to meet the needs of Hillcrest Middle School Students.

The Hillcrest Middle School Health Education program is comprehensive, instructive and age-appropriate with Hillcrest Middle School Health Education Directives.


Ø Skill

Ø Model Proper Attitudes

Ø Provide Facts

Ø Reinforce importance of physically active lifestyle

Ø Set expectations for students to acquire the skills and knowledge of health literate individuals.

Student Goal

For this school year 100% of Hillcrest Middle School Students will be led toward the achievement of South Carolina Academic Standards for Health Education.

Expected Student Outcome

Students are not required to dress out for Health Education. Participation in Health Education will take place in a classroom setting. Students will be required to bring a folder with notebook paper and a pencil to class daily. All instructional materials will be created by the health teacher and all health activities will be skills based and student centered.


If you are absent from Health you will need to do make-up work for missing the day to receive points for the day. The student will be required to write a report based on the unit of study, from a newspaper, magazine, online site, etc.


All grades will follow the Greenville County Schools grading scale:

A: 100%-90 % B: 89% – 80% C: 79% – 70% D: 69% – 60% F: 59% – Below

Students will be able to earn up to 25 points each day: 50 points for major assessments and 25 points for minor assessments.

Behavioral Expectations

Health Classroom

Students will have an assigned seat in the classroom. The consequences for being tardy will follow the school-wide tardy policy.

Classroom Expectations

  1. Students must have their Health Folder with notebook paper and a pencil.

  2. Students must ask for permission to leave their seat before class activities begin.

  3. Students must participate in all classroom discussions and class activities.

  4. Cellular phones will not be utilized during class, Cellular phones must be put away out of sight

  5. Be on time for class

  6. Respect materials used for class

  7. Set goals for individual improvement.

  8. Follow directions.