Student Book Selection

Book Selection

I understand that while some of the non-fiction books our students are interested in are good sources for information, they are not necessarily good bedtime reading. We do have a limited selection for Kindergarten students to choose from. I have addressed this issue with the older students by encouraging them to check out books that they can read. The first grade students are encouraged to choose a book that they can read or one that someone can read to them. Many students still prefer non-fiction selections. I do require that second and third graders read at least a couple of sentences from one of their books to me. We use the five-finger rule. Basically, if there are more than five words on a page that they don’t know, the book is too difficult and they should select another. Young children need to become familiar and comfortable with books, it is very important that they choose books based on their interests. I encourage you to talk with your child about their selections and encourage them to check out books that they can read with you.