Swing Low, Sweet Chariot

Swing low, sweet chariot,

comin' for to carry me home

Swing low, sweet char iot,

comin' for to carry me home

Swing low, sweet chariot,

comin' for to carry me home

Swing low, sweet char iot,

comin' for to carry me home

I looked over Jordan and

what did I see?

comin' for to carry me home

A band of angels comin' after me

comin' for to carry me home

Swing low, sweet char iot,

comin' for to carry me home

If you get there before I do

comin' for to carry me home

Tell all my friends I'm comin' too

comin' for to carry me home

Let Me Ride:

Why don't you swing down chariot ,

stop and let me ride

Swing down chariot, stop and let me ride

Rock me, Lord, rock me, Lord, calm and easy

I've got a home on the other side


The following information is from www.manhattanbeachmusic.com:

"Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" is considered to be a code song or coded song, and is one of a handful of spirituals that refer directly to the Underground Railroad. The Underground Railroad was neither a railroad nor underground, but was instead a....mysterious web of people and places... helping those bound by slavery to escape. Those fleeing slavery often moved northward from hiding place to hiding place under cover of darkness and disguise.

Most of the code words in the spirituals refer to escape from slavery; the code words were used to hide the underlying, secret meaning of the lyrics. Coded songs were a way for slaves to share the dream of freedom openly with one another, drawing inspiration and hope from the texts. Without understanding the code, the lyrics appeared to have very different, nonthreatening meanings to the slaveholders.

Here's another version:

"Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" was a favorite spiritual of Harriet Tubman (1820 - 1913), who escaped from slavery in 1849 and is widely considered to be the most famous leader of the Underground Railroad, the Moses of those seeking freedom from slavery. In the 1850's she made many rescue trips into Maryland to help about 300 slaves escape to freedom.