Fort Sumter

This is the 33 star flag that had been flying over Fort Sumter during the attack. It was lowered by Major Robert Anderson, the commanding officer, on April 14, 1861 when he surrendered.

Four years to the day later, five days after the South had surrendered, there was a ceremony at Fort Sumter to celebrate the end of the war. Robert Anderson, who was now a Major General, was there to raise the flag in triumph over the battered remains of the fort. The Rev. Henry Ward Beecher gave a speech which concluded:

"On this solemn and joyful day, we again lift to the breeze our fathers’ flag....may it wave over a nation neither enslaved nor enslaving.... We lift up our banner, and dedicate it to peace, Union, and liberty, now and forevermore."

— Rev. Henry Ward Beecher

Later that night President Lincoln would be shot at Ford's Theatre.


By George F. Root

This is the first song written for the Civil War! It was written only 3 days after the attack on Fort Sumter by composer, George F. Root who composed more than 35 "hit" songs during the war.

George Root was born in Massachusetts. During the war he lived in Illinois. He traveled and worked in many places but ultimately settled in Maine! We will be doing 3 other songs written by him.

As with nearly every song written during this era, the form is an AB or Verse/Chorus (Refrain) form.

The verses typically tell the story of the song and contain many words. Since these songs were written more than 150 years ago the meanings of the lyrics may be difficult to understand.

The chorus has fewer words and a catchy melody so that the audience can quickly catch on and join in singing which they did eagerly. Community singing was natural and normal during the Civil War era.

They may not have realized it at the time, but the act of a community singing together builds great bonds, good feelings and a sense of personal and group achievement. With all of the songs that we will be singing, please sing along as much as you can. If not during the verses, then please sing during the choruses.

Singing along will help you remember what we are learning and help you feel the emotions of the people of the war era.

The First Gun Is Fired

By George F. Root

Lyrics: Definitions: