

How do I apply for the "Visitor Visa for Studying Chinese Purpose"?

A: 請參閱外交部網站 https://www.boca.gov.tw/cp-8-171-fd361-1.html

Please find the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China (Taiwan)

Q: 我已經在華語中心學中文了,但是要如何延長研習中文簽證呢?

How can I extend my "Visitor Visa for Studying Chinese Purpose" ?

A: 駐外單位核發研習中文簽證時,通常會核發60天或90天的可延長簽證。 可延長的簽證可延長兩次,最長可停留


重新申請簽證。 請有需要申請延長者,先至華語文中心辦公室申請「在學證明」、「出席證明」、「成績單」。

Students who hold Visitor Visa for Studying Chinese Purpose granting a period of stay of 60 days or more, provided that the
visa does not include a “non-extendable” stamp, may apply for visa extension within 15 days before the expiration date at
the local service center of National Immigration Agency, The total stay period cannot exceed 180 days.
(The day after the entry date will be counted as the first day of stay).
