
  1. 成立宗旨


  1. 特色


  • 藝術氛圍特別,及原住民特色:三義木雕公園及泰雅原住民產業區,都有特別的風土人情。

  • 苗栗山城的秀麗,大湖採草莓、南庄桂花巷、雪霸國家公園管理處、馬拉邦山、油桐花祭等優美風景。

  • 閩南客人族群文化采風,客家文化園區、客家大院;加上濃厚的人情味與特別的飲食風味,有其他地區無法取代的特色。

  1. 經營理念

  • 學用合一,理論與實務相輔相成。

  • 以苗栗為核心,招收周邊外籍人士。

  • 華語文中心與華語文系及設計系所、科技產業四者結合的教材教法。

  • 國際化與地方特色融入:推動國際化合作與教學特色在地化,研發閩客采風精緻華語教學。

The Chinese Language Center was established in 1997. Initially, the Center was set to help National United University to promote international exchange activities, teaching Chinese as a foreign language, Chinese language learning camps and the development of Chinese teaching materials. In May 2015, the Center was allowed to recruit graduate and undergraduate international students after passing the evaluation of the Ministry of Education in Taiwan. Nowadays, the Center is focused on teaching Chinese language and to promote the beauty of Taiwanese culture and Hakka culture, so as to achieve the goal of mutual respect and reciprocity.