獎學金專區 Scholarship


MOE Huayu Enrichment Scholarship

【聯大新聞稿 NUU NEWS】


Let's see the first scholarship recipient in National United University Chinese Language Center!



    1. 獎助項目:每月獎學金新臺幣二萬五千元。

    2. 獎助期限:共分成暑期班(2個月)、3個月、6個月、9個月或一年期。除暑期班外,原則上受獎期間為當年9月1日起至次年8月31日止。

    3. 申請資格:年滿十八歲,具高級中等學校以上畢業學歷,學業成績優良,品行端正。下列人士不得提出申請:

⑴ 具有中華民國國籍或僑生身份。

⑵ 曾在臺修讀學位課程,或正在臺註冊入學研習華語文者。

⑶ 我各大學校院依據與外國學校簽訂學術合作協議所招收之交換學生。

⑷ 曾受領本獎學金、臺灣獎學金或教育部華語文獎學金者。

⑸ 同時受領我政府機關(構)或學校所設置之獎補助金者。

4. 申請日期:每年2月1日至3月31日之間。

5. 申請方式: 申請人應依駐外館處公告之簡章(通常為每年一月、二月公告),於報名截止日前,檢附下列文件,向其所屬


⑴ 申請表。

⑵ 護照或足資證明所屬國籍之其他文件影本。

⑶ 最高學歷證明及成績單影本。

⑷ 已向華語中心提出申請之證件影本(例如入學申請表影本等)。

⑸ 駐外館處所規定之其他文件。

6. 相關連結: https://taiwanscholarship.moe.gov.tw/web/pages.aspx


    1. Award Value: A Monthly stipend of 25,000 NTD.

    2. Duration:

      • Huayu Enrichment courses will include a summer term (June and July or July and August), along with short term classes, which may last 3, 6 or 9 months to a year respectively.

      • With the exception of the summer classes, in principle, the duration of the scholarship is from September 1st to August 31st of the following year. If recipients fail to come to Taiwan for enrollment during the designated time, they will forfeit their right to retain their scholarships.

      • Scholarship funding will become effective on the date of the recipient’s enrollment. Scholarship funding will end according to the scholarship’s expiration date or if the scholarship is revoked.

3. Eligibility: International applicants above the age of 18, who possess a high school diploma or above, have shown excellent academic performance, and are of good moral character are eligible. Candidates with one of the following

qualifications may not apply:

      • Is an overseas Chinese student or a national of the R.O.C.

      • Is currently registered as a student at a Mandarin Language Center or has sought a degree from a university or college in Taiwan.

      • Has already received a HES or a Taiwan Scholarship, in the past.

      • Is an exchange student to Taiwan, during the scholarship period.

      • Is currently receiving financial benefits from the Taiwan government or another educational institution.

4. Application period: Applicants need to submit the following documents to local embassies or missions before the announced deadline (In principle, the yearly application period is from February 1st through March 31st. However, the actual application period will be in accordance with the general regulations of the local Taiwan Representive Offices).

      • Application form

      • A copy of passport

      • A copy of an official transcript, a proof for student status, high school diploma or degree

      • A copy of the school admission application form

      • Other documents are ruled by the ROC Embassies and Taipei Economic and Cultural Office

5. Related link: https://taiwanscholarship.moe.gov.tw/web/pages.aspx?p=7