Glastonbury Public Schools Welless Advisory Council

Mission and Goals


The mission of the Glastonbury Public School Wellness Advisory Council is to establish and maintain a healthy school community that encourages environmental and social support for the development of lifelong wellness practices. The Wellness Advisory Council works to provide opportunities for students and staff to develop healthy lifestyles by promoting the adoption of habits and attitudes that contribute to their positive well-being.

District Wellness Goals

Organize the district and school wellness committees

      1. Identify school-based committee members and leader

      2. Identify designee(s) from the school committee to serve on the district committee

      3. Identify and invite community members to participate on district WAC committee, e.g., pediatrician, PTSO/PTO parent, student, staff, etc.

Communicate goals with the building administration and the public to gain support to implement policy and make connections to all wellness events in the building

Provide overview of wellness policy to increase staff awareness

Promote healthy alternatives in the school community

(e.g., snacks/beverages, foods/fundraisers, and physical activity)

Use evaluation tools to collect data

      1. Schools will use the Healthy School Index to do a self-assessment and use data to make informed decisions about goals and action planning

      2. Schools will use WellSAT I to assess implementation of policy and goals

      3. WAC will use Well SAT III to assess policy

      4. A survey will be sent to schools and directors to inquire about what they do to address the wellness policy, (e.g. celebrations, punishments, activity breaks, recess, fundraisers etc.)

      5. Conduct a marketing assessment

      6. Collect data on types of physical activities or events are offered in schools

Identify steps to measure and evaluate the successful implementation of policy at district and school levels

      1. Assess & develop action plans

      2. Implement plan

      3. Evaluate plan

      4. Use evaluation data to make informed decisions

      5. Reflect & celebrate