Physical Fitness

Connecticut Physical Fitness Assessment (CPFA)

The Glastonbury  Health and Physical Education Department recognizes that Physical fitness is a critical element in the development of a healthy and productive adult. The Connecticut Physical Fitness Assessment (CPFA) is Connecticut’s annual assessment of public school students’ physical well-being.  

Glastonbury students in grades 3–10 participate in the CPFA, however, the scores of the students in Grades 4, 6, and 8 are assessed, sent to the State Department of Connecticut and included in the Accountability Report.  

The goals of the assessment program are to:

Evaluation and Instruction

Students taking the CPFA are evaluated using age and gender appropriate standards in four components fitness:

Throughout the year, students learn various exercises and activities that can be done to improve fitness and overall well-being. Students are encouraged to be physically active and practice other health enhancing behaviors beyond the school day and continue to focus on becoming fit and healthy individuals for life.

Click on the link below to learn more about the CPFA and what you can do to support your child to grow and be the best they can be!