Glastonbury Public Schools Health and Physical Education

K-5 Physical Education

K-5 Curriculum

image of 12 small children dressed colorfully in various forms of exercise: running, stretching, jumping, etc.

Elementary Curriculum Units

Motor Skills

Personal Responsibility

Fitness and Health Concepts

Movement Exploration

Elementary Physical Education classes meet one 45 minute period per week.  The curriculum units include developmentally appropriate skills and knowledge that students are expected to know and do by the end of each grade level.  Click on the links below for detailed information including unit summaries and grade level expectations.

Healthy Heroes Challenge

The primary purpose of the Healthy Heroes Challenge is to encourage students in grades 3, 4, and 5 to be active beyond the school day to improve and maintain optimal levels of health.  

Students are expected to participate in the Healthy Heroes Challenge. The challenge helps in assessing student understanding of the benefits of physical activity. It is noted on the achievement standards of the student progress report.   

image of word Pow! in cartoon comic book style