Glastonbury Public Schools Health and Physical Education

9-12 Physical Education

Health and Physical Education Graduation Requirements

To graduate from Glastonbury High School, students are required to pass Health and Physical Education 9 (HPE9) and Health and Physical Education 10 (HPE10), and two grade 11/12 Physical Education courses. Graduation requirements are governed by the same grading and attendance policies for other courses at Glastonbury High School. The student’s grade for Health and Physical Education will be calculated into the Grade Point Average (G.P.A.) and class rank. To meet graduation requirements, students also have the opportunity to achieve Performance Standards 15 and 16 that are specific to the Health and Physical Education department goals.

Medical Restrictions

Short-term medical restrictions written by Physicians licensed in the State of Connecticut, Osteopathic Physicians, Nurse Practitioner or Physician's Assistant will be accepted; a note written by a parent will not be accepted. A student who has an extended medical leave is required to provide the school nurse with a medical waiver written by a medically qualified professional. Long-term medically excused students will be provided with an opportunity to receive credit, determined, by the teacher and/or Director of Health and Physical Education.


The student’s grade for Physical Education is calculated by using a standards-based rubric.  Students are assessed in the application of necessary skills to participate in various physical activities that require health-related fitness, knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics related to movement and performance, social behaviors that respect self and others, and participation in physical activity. The student’s grade point average will be calculated by dividing the total number of points earned that semester by the total number of possible points for the number of days that they are present.

Overview & Contracts

GHS Health/PE Courses and Units of Study

GHS Health and Physical Education Overview and Contract

Physical Education Daily Grading Rubric

Swimming Contract


* Swimming Units are taught in HPE 10 and Alternative Environment Activities Courses; all students are required to sign a swimming contract to participate.