Othman A. Abbott

O.A. Abbott was born in 1842 in Canada. He grew up in Illinois. When he was a boy he once walked 10 miles to listen to an anti- slavery speaker. He joined the Union Soldiers and fought in the Civil War. After the war he and his brother were traveling west to California and he decided to settle down in Grand Island.

He married Elizabeth Griffin and had 4 children. He became Grand Island's first lawyer in 1867. He was very involved in helping the community by serving in many different positions. He served as Grand Island's mayor, a judge, and a state senator. He was the first citizen to sign the petition for Grand Island to become incorporated as a city. He helped to write Nebraska's first constitution. From 1877 - 1879, OA served as Nebraska's first Lieutenant Governor.

O.A. Abbott was a leader in Grand Island and our state. He set an example for others showing them how an involved citizen can make a difference. In his many positions in public office, he helped helped Grand Island become a city and Nebraska to form a its own set of laws.

Historical Photos courtesy of Stuhr Museum of the Prairie Pioneer

Nebraska State Historical Society