Workflow Extension
A Workflow is a logical grouping of tasks, done in a set order to accomplish a specific goal. A Workflow is useful when multiple datasets are being processed the same way. The following section describes the key elements of a Workflow implementation.
A walkthrough is available to create a workflow.
ITaskFactory interface
public class MyTaskFactory implements ITaskFactory {
public static final String ID = "MyTaskFactory";
public String getId() {
return ID;
public ITask createTask(String id) {
return new MyTask(id);
ITask interface
import com.interactive.intviewerapi.plugins.workflow.AbstractTask;
public class MyTask extends AbstractTask {
public MyTask(String id) {
setName("My Task"); // Name that is displayed in workflow tree
setStatus(Status.Enabled); // Default value of status, may be set to Status.Disabled
/** The "worker" method for ITask is the runTaskmethod.
public void runTask() {
// perform my task action
Register new factory
Register your new task factory in the folder by creating a new file with the name com.interactive.intviewerapi.plugins.workflow.ITaskFactory
In this file add one line for each task factory you have created. In the example, one line would be added:
GUI Integration with INTViewer
The INTViewer uses a workflow configuration file to build and manage a workflow. Create a new WorkflowTasks.xml to describe your workflow.
In the example below the tasklist node denotes groupings within a workflow. For example, a workflow may have several data loading tasks, followed by data processing tasks, followed by data saving tasks. There would be 3 tasklist nodes where the name attribute describes each of the groupings.
<tasklist name="Load">
<tasklist name="Process">
<tasklist name="Save">
In the next example, the task node describes each task within a workflow. There are 4 attributes used to describe each task.
- factory - the factory class written for the task
- tooltip - the text to display in a tool tip. The text displays in the Workflow window when the cursor lingers over this task link.
Changing the status of a task
To change the status of a task, call:
Status status = Status.Enabled // or Status.Disabled
You then need to notify any listeners that the status of a task has changed.
To do this, call:
The workflow tree, which needs to be notified when the status is changed, is added as a listener when the task is added to the workflow. Calling the fireListener method will notify the workflow tree.
Typically, the status will change due to whether a data type become available or not available. This will
be usually be determined by listening to a lookup event. Here is a simple implementation:
import com.interactive.intviewerapi.GlobalSelection;
import com.interactive.intviewerapi.plugins.workflow.AbstractTask;
import org.openide.util.LookupEvent;
public class MyTask extends AbstractTask implements LookupListener {
private GlobalSelection<SomeClass> theSelection = new GlobalSelection<SomeClass>(SomeClass.class);
public MyTask(String id) {
setName("My Task"); // Name that is displayed in workflow tree
setStatus(Status.Enabled); // Default value of status, may be set to Status.Disabled
public void resultChanged(LookupEvent arg0) {
Status currentStatus = getStatus();
Status newStatus;
Collection<? extends SomeClass> selectionInstances = theSelection.allInstances();
if (selectionInstances.isEmpty) {
newStatus = Status.Disabled;
} else {
newStatus = Status.Enabled;
if (newStatus != currentStatus) {
The example shows the basic implementation needed by a task to report status back to the Workflow manager.
The tasks that are available, or enabled, are marked with a green icon. Tasks that are not available, or disabled, are marked with a red icon. Use GlobalSelection if you need to keep track of state of the tasks in a workflow.
Two options to open workflow top components are available.