Overview of API changes in INTViewer 4.2


INTViewer 4.2 brings a new set of functionalities that have been made available through the API:

  • An API to load and visualize well data, in 2D (use IMapWellLayer) and 3D
  • An API to load and visualize seismic line data in 2D (use IMapSeismicLineLayer)
  • An API to transform points from one Coordinate Reference System (CRS) to another (use ICoordinateSystemTransformation)

Updated Development Platform

INTViewer 4.2 is based upon the Netbeans 6.9.1 platform. You need NetBeans 6.9.1 to develop modules (INTViewer 4.2 is not compatible with NetBeans 6.8).

Incompatibilities with 4.1

A set of API incompatibilities have been introduced as part of this release.