Course Outlines

Course Outlines:

Art Education: Course Outlines

Adobe Photoshop: This course will offer training continuously updated Adobe Photoshop. Student projects will range from learning the basics of the software to creating music videos and design layouts. Copyright law and gaining knowledge of the legal aspect in the advertising business are key components when beginning the digital creative process. The second semester will be spent developing pro-bono work for non-profit clients as the class transforms into a real-life advertising agency. Student responsibility in the course, such as due dates, will be non-negotiable.

Note- All students are required to have a digital camera, a sketchbook and a pencil at all times.

Credits: 1

Adobe After Effects: is a basic 2D animation class that works in conjunction with Adobe Illustrator. The software creates incredible motion graphics and visual effects. It's the industry-standard in animation and creative composting that lets you design and deliver professional motion graphics and visual effects for film, TV, video and web.

Note- All students are required to have a sketchbook and a pencil at all times.

Adobe After Effects: Prerequisite class = Adobe Illustrator.

Credits: ½

Adobe Illustrator: Students will strengthen their computer drawing skills and innovative creative thought process with Adobe Illustrator. This program is an essential vector tool for a future in the graphic design world. Used by graphic professionals worldwide, Adobe Illustrator software provides precision and power with sophisticated drawing tools, expressive natural brushes, a host of time-savers, and integration. This course is a computer basic for any career field in the technological art market, and will aid in the creation of the pro-bono works of the digital art class.

Notes-All students are required to have a sketchbook and a pencil at all times.

Credit: ½

Ceramics: Students will develop their mechanical skills by a full “hands on” approach to art. This medium allows those students who learn better though personal experience rather than auditory means to excel in their unique learning methods. Construction skills and craftsmanship are keys components to success in this class. Pupils will gain knowledge of various traditional techniques while simultaneously adding their own personality to each vessel that they create. Projects, art history lectures and notes, readings, class discussions, reflection essays and critiques examine the element of 3-D Design.

Note- All students are required to have a sketchbook and a pencil at all times.

Credits: ½

Studio Art: Prerequisite for all other art courses

Studio Art: A foundation “how to” course introducing the basic skills needed for the visual arts with emphasis on line, shape, color, form, value, texture, space and the principles of design. Students will explore a wide range of media and techniques. Projects, art history lectures and notes, readings, class discussions, reflection essays and critiques examine the elements of 2-D and 3-D Design.

This course fulfills the graduation requirement for art.

Note- All students are required to have a sketchbook and a pencil at all times

Credit: 1

Art Portfolio: Students will develop a professional portfolio for entering the college art world. From creating a resume and artist statement, to learning how to take professional slides of their artwork, the course will help prepare young artists to mature proficiently. “Presentation is everything” when attempting to make a first impression that may alter one’s life. The art portfolio class will help students both organize and express themselves in an exuberant manner.

Note- Participation in the Final Class Exhibition is required!**

Note- All students are required to have a digital camera, a sketchbook and a pencil at all times.

Credits: ½

Drawing and Painting: This course is developed to expand students’ technical fine-hand motor skills. The class will gain knowledge of various disciplined and advanced methods for maturing their two-dimensional ability. Numerous mediums will be experimented with, while each individual discovers which art material suits him or her best. Please note that in accordance with New York State standards for the arts, students may not simply paint whatever they wish. The subject matter of the work will be provided for them.

Note- All students are required to have a sketchbook. Professional art pencils are provided.

Credits: 1

College Drawing 101: This course is designed to introduce students to the core practices of drawing and strengthen the development of perceptual and descriptive skills throughout the year. Students will be introduced to a variety of mediums, techniques, art history and subject matters. Students will learn to use the elements of art and the principles of design as the core to create a variety of creative compositions in an aesthetically pleasing manner. Basics such as line, space, value and perspective will be the building blocks to completed works. Art history will help guide the students and build vocabulary as they experiment with techniques, materials, and push boundaries in a journey of growth and development. Students will learn professionalism and develop a more disciplined and self directed work ethic.

Credits: 3 college credits through Adelphi University

PLTW DDP- Technology Education: The high school technology education curriculum is designed to reinforce and enhance core concepts that were introduced in the junior high school program. Course offerings prepare future graduates for post-secondary education and career placement by placing an emphasis on 21st Century Learning Skills. PLTW course engage students in open-ended problem solving, learn and apply the engineering design process, and use the same industry-leading technology and software as are used in the world’s top companies. Students are immersed in design as they investigate topics such as ethics, sustainability, forces, structures, digital electronics and circuit design, manufacturing and the environment, which gives them an opportunity to learn about different engineering disciplines before beginning post-secondary education or careers.

Credits: 3 college credits through RIT