Multinational migrations

Post date: Dec 30, 2013 10:44:36 AM

Since I last wrote, we've added two new countries to the list of migration destinations. The first is Cuba, where AU40 arrived on November 20th.

She crossed the island soon after arrival and is now wintering on the Caribbean coast of southern Cuba, near Santa Cruz del Sur. The town is famous for having been completely destroyed by a hurricane in November 1932. This is neighboring Guayabal:

Guayabal (Image from

Our other international traveler is RA50, who crossed the Gulf of Mexico in late November along the same track as CH19 and 23. After a few weeks wandering the northern shores of the Yucatan, he began a trip down the east coast of the peninsula. He is now most of the way through Belize and shows no signs of slowing down.

Onward to Guatemala!