
Some of our work here is original, such as our maps based on our work documenting OC references in PKD's A Scanner Darkly and Radio Free Albemuth and collating places in PKD's life from letters and interviews. We also include newly conducted interviews and pictures. Some is original work based on research into older documents, such as the updating and presentation of what was and what remains in the Cal State Fullerton Special Collections from the original materials "loaned" by PKD. Research into older and newer inventories, essays and new interviews revealed unknown information about the Special Collections now. This page is here, however, to acknowledge our reliance on the work of others and to credit outstanding research already done.

Many of the pages here contain links to other sites that provided crucial information on PKD's life and works. In particular see the page "PKDin the OC media" for links to recent stories on PKD in the OC by the LA Times and OC Weekly and a story from the 1970's by Rolling Stone. These articles provide crucial background information, quotes and other materials for our site's focus in documenting PKD's engagement with Orange County in the last decade of his life. We also use pictures that appear to be freely available from Orange County history archives or other internet sources. Below is documentation on information on this site. Our thanks to any and all producers of these materials, and please contact us to remove any materials that infringe on copyright.

One last note on the Home Page: the top picture is titled "Philip K. Dick, Germs-manager Nicole Panter, author KW Jeter, and artist Gary Panter, at Philip K. Dick’s Santa Ana condo." Photo credited to Nicole Panter’s Flickr account. On her account, Panter comments on the shot: “I think, but am not 100% sure that Tim Powers, another sci-fi writer took the photo. It was exciting times, but we wouldn't realize it til years later. PKD had a small following, but all of this stuff that he pre-figured was no-where in sight. He had a small, shabby condo conversion and a couple of cats and was a bit of a sad figure. We befriended him because Gary was a big fan, I was unfamiliar with Phil's work, but he and I just hit it off and ended up becoming close friends who would speak on the phone several times a week til his death a few years later.”