

Language Translations

To read this website in another language, link to the free web page translations services below:

Just copy the desired text or the web page URL into the appropriate box and you will (hopefully!) see a translation into the language of your choice.

To copy text or a URL, simply highlight the text or click on the "Address" box at the top of the page, then press the "Ctrl" and the "C" keys at the same time. 

That action copies the highlighted text.

Next, to paste the item you copied (using "Ctrl" plus "C"), put the cursor in the appropriate location and press the "Ctrl" and the "V" keys at the same time. 

This action will insert the previously copied text or the URL address.


This link will take you to


This link will take you to



This link will take you to Google's web page translation service:

We suggest that you try several translators and perhaps then the meaning will be clear. 

Language translation technology is still in its infancy.

 The results you will obtain will be (at best) a reasonable approximation of the original meaning.

Good luck!