The Canadian HM-8 Replica

Project--Page 9


Paul Pontois


- 2004 July 4

Paul Fournier made the 2 exhausts for the Praga engine. They will be Tig-welded by Jean-Pierre Gagnon. Paul Fournier will keep in touch with Gerry de Grosbois to finalize the engine adjustment and see how Gerry plans the engine final tune-up.

- 2004 July 7

Positioned on the engine the 2 exhaust look great. Jean-Pierre's Tig-welding is OK.

Gerry is present with one of his student as a helper.

They tint the beautiful propeller made by Pierre Gingue. Same mahogany colour as the fuselage with off-white tips.

Gerry cleans and checks everything (filters, etc) on the engine. It is now ready to start.

The rest of the team works on the final adjustments, struts, cables, cowling etc. The HM-8 looks completed, but there is still a lot to do.

After discussion between Gerry and the Beloeil team, Gerry will come back Wednesday July 21 to start the engine and taxi the HM-8.

The team realizes that they have to work hard for the two coming weeks to be ready for this important day.

We have to find a R.P.M. It seems that Patrice Thériault will let us have a used one in good condition at low cost.

- 2004 July 9

I go to Quebec City with the vertical rudder and show the work to the painter Jacques Duguay. The logo chosen by the team is the logo shown on Henri Mignet's handwritten book's cover.

I bring with me a photo of the Balerit seen in Montpezat with about the same logo which represents a glory of sun rays bursting through the clouds and a schematized pou flying. On ours, it will be the HM-8 which will be schematized, like on the book. Jacques loves the idea and plans to go and purchase the paint and varnish the next day.  I am supposed to get the rudder painted in one week. I always have a warm welcome at Jacques's house, as he is a Pou fan and hopes to be able to build a Flying-Flea one day. 

- 2004 July 14

Busy day on delicate jobs. The whole team works on the final adjustment of:

- Wing positioning on the cabane: A nylon block is adjusted between the front spar and the cabane horizontal beam and an    additional bracket between the rear spar and the same beam.

- Wing struts cables.

- Ailerons controls and control cables.

- Throttle. 

Patrice's R-P-M does not fit on the Praga. We will have to use a handheld one for the first tests.

- 2004 July 15

Received a call from the painter. The job is slower than planned, as the paint is water based and has to dry between coats, consequently, the logo will not be completed before Tuesday 20. Jacques decided to enlarge the logo and to paint the whole surface of the rudder. He says that we will like the final result. 

- 2004 July 20

The painter kept his word.  When I arrived in Jacques's place, the painted rudder was ready. Very clean job, faithful to Mignet's logo with a touch of fantasy.  

- 2004 July 21

In Beloeil , our usual Wednesday meeting. In addition to the usual group, René Mercier, André Saint-Pierre, Renald Martin and Yvon Clement come from Trois-Rivières. Yvon and Renald are my Balerit co-pilots and help demonstrating the Pou formula to the uninitiated pilots. Yvon is building a HM-380.

My friends warmly welcome me and the rudder, especially the rudder with its beautiful logo. J

Waiting for Gerry de Grobois, we check the controls, rudder and ailerons. They are incredibly smooth. Paul Fournier made a great job. The ailerons are really differential, which should totally prevent adverse yaw.  

A last check of the cables struts is made and we start taking the HM-8 apart to bring it from the workshop on 1st floor to the ground floor for the engine testing and then to transport it later on to the States.

It is an historic moment. After less than one year of team work, HMS wish is becoming real.

Meanwhile, Gerry arrives in his Cessna 172 with his student (he was delayed by a thick fog) and checks what Paul Fournier had modified on the engine according to his instructions. Then, they fix the prop on the engine hub. Not an easy job, as the holes are really tight and they soon need everyone's help.  

We start moving the HM-8 to the floor level and do not feel at ease.

Remi Caradot, a French teacher who leaves in Quebec and is interested by the Mignet aircraft, pays us a visit. He is immediately hired as additional manpower.

Ten pairs of hands gently take the 33 feet span wing to the ground through a wide opening in the wall.

For the fuselage, we hang it with ropes attached to the cabane and the engine to a hoist. Very slowly, we get it down safely. 

All is fine and the engine tests can start.


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