

Toothpick Aircraft Models

Pierre Mignet pre-flighting one of Robert's Fleas

( photo courtesy of a good friend and Pou lover )

Robert B. Elliott has created a series of books which provide not only a concise history of a number of important early aircraft, but also step-by-step instructions to create replicas which can be built with just toothpicks, glue and paper. 

    per Mr. Elliott,

     "The goal of Build and Fly the First Flyers is to help the reader construct flying glider replicas

     of the first aviation pioneers' aircraft.  To accomplish this, a mastery of the actual workings of

     the control surfaces they pioneered is essential.  The beauty of "The Toothpick Airforce"

     concept is these gliders only fly with lift, balance and the control surfaces are tuned properly,

     just like the real aircraft.  This book provides a formula for combining those workings, just as

    the Wright Brothers (and the other pioneers) did, but using just paper paste and toothpicks." 

    To order copies of these books, send check or money order to 

Booger Red's Books

P.O. Drawer G

Clifton, Colorado 81520

Enclose $9.95/copy for The Toothpick Airforce (37 pages, with plans for P-38 Mustang, Japanese Zero, Spitfire, Messerschmitt ME-109, B-17 and numerous other World War II aircraft) or $16.95/copy for The First Flyers (99 pages, with plans for more than 30 early aircraft including various Wright Brothers models, the Bleriot XI and XII, several Curtiss aircraft and many others.)


(Copyright 1995 by BOOGER RED'S BOOKS)

(Copyright 2001 by BOOGER RED'S BOOKS)

Booger Red's HM-8 and HM-14 models

on Pou Renew #20-p3andp4

Some samples of the Toothpick Airforce:

HM 14

(Copyright 2001 by BOOGER RED'S BOOKS)

HM 8

(Copyright 2001 by BOOGER RED'S BOOKS)