Catalog Call

Hundreds of attendees, dozens of content strands, innumerable learning opportunities, and the only thing that could be missing is you! TEKSCON 2024 is coming together as the summer event you must attend. We want your help on developing the program for this July. 

Catalog Call combines your feedback with content expertise of our reviewing panel to develop our program. Interactions and interest will help us schedule presentations to reach the most attendees possible.

To make Catalog Call a success, simply review the current program offerings for TEKSCon 2024 and let us know if you are interested in attending any of the sessions using the link in their description. The list of sessions included in the Catalog Call is not comprehensive, and the final program will be published this summer.

Review the Session Offerings

TEKSCON Catalog Call 2024.pdf

A filterable spreadsheet version of the catalog can be copied into your Google Drive.

Submit Interest to Attend

Your interest and feedback is greatly appreciated. Use the Catalog Call form to select a session you are interested in attending. You can indicate how likely you are to attend that session if offered.

Sessions listed under the catalog call are not guaranteed to appear in the official program. Programming titles and descriptions of sessions are created by their authors and may not reflect the opinions of TCMPC. TCMPC has the authority to retract offerings at any time.