156B Week 5
Overview of Status of Analysis, Design, Fabrication, Tests, etc.
An optimization between the upper sandwich structure layer thickness and core extrusion width have been made to identify the greatest figure of merit. The figure of merit is quantified by the moment of inertia by volume of the prototype. These parameters will be implemented to the actual design of the prototype for both physical fabrication and FEA analysis.
A small-scaled 3D printed prototype of one of the stiffener designs were made with PLA to test its rigidity.
Accomplishments from Previous Week
João has CADed 4 alternate version for the 'Grid' design in order to
Shane has successfully executed simulation results of deflection of a simple cantilever beam. Their results were identical to the ones from their hand calculations, and are comfortable working with Femap.
Ahmed has successfully applied FEA the previous top three designs for comparison purposes.
Ahmed and Shane have successfully applied FEA on all alternate designs for the 'Grid' along with
Kakeru created a MATLAB code for the optimization between the upper sandwich structure layer thickness and core extrusion width and found numerical results of both parameters that would output the greatest bending resistance for the prototype.
Goals for Next Week (list names after each item). Use specific and measurable objectives.
Discuss with professor Tustaniwskyj, Ved, and Collins Aerospace sponsors regarding feasible manufacturing techniques to fabricate a physical prototype.
Potentially order raw materials and parts for fabrication.
Finalize decisions regarding the main design.
Sponsor Comments from Last Meeting and Actions Taken to Address these Comments (indicate date of comments and if via email or in person)
Alberto's and Johann's recommend we update the CAD files to include holes for the Fasteners. The geometries should be included in the CAD file that was requested.
Alberto's and Johann's notified us with the proper constraints that should be applied in the FEAs and Ahmed updated all the files with the correct fixtures and constraints.
Instructor Comments from Last Meeting and Actions Taken to Address these Comments (indicate date of comments and if via email or in person)
professor Tustaniwskyj provided input on which parameters that can be optimized and Kakeru took lead in creating the cod
FEA was mentioned as something we should be doing. We applied FEA on different design that had specific parameters altered in order to observe the difference in the FEA results.
Regarding the curvature, The CADs have not been updated with the curvature, part of the reason is that the results will not significantly be changed and we are still waiting on a proper CAD file to be sent to identify the curvature or any other constraints
Comments from Other Students in the Class (indicate date of comments and if via email or in person)
Risks and Areas of Concern
Manufacturing feasibility: The time it takes to obtain the raw materials or assembly parts are unknown at the moment. This would be our primary task for this week, which will be discussed with professor Tustaniwskyj, Ved, and Collins Aerospace sponsors.
Resources or Information Required but not Available
Vendors to reach out for raw materials
Accessibility to manufacturing tools and facility
Discuss manufacturing techniques and ordering necessary materials and parts
Update Gantt chart
Budget (list amount spent and amount remaining)
No spendings have been made yet.
Progress on Report and Webpage