156B Week 5
Overview of Status of Analysis, Design, Fabrication, Tests, etc.
Welding of components in early stages.
Milling of titanium tubes done frequently for both practice and component fabrication.
Solidworks analysis of model in progress using free-body diagram analysis and lamination theory.
Accomplishments from Previous Week
Carbon tube lay-up configuration decided. Carbon properties and lay-up applied to Solidworks model for analysis. (Ved & Sean)
Decided to create carbon tube through molding. Mold construction under development. (Ved & Nicolas)
Decided on pushbar design to apply to the trike. Compromised original design with swing-out door design. (Sam & Angelica)
Goals for Next Week (list names after each item). Use specific and measurable objectives.
Fabricate 2 critical stress areas from titanium. (Sam, Sean, & Angelica)
Begin failure testing of components created and update model accordingly. (Ved & Nicolas)
Compile full list of interaction points on the bike / attachment schemes and coordinate with bike mechanic Jared for compatibility with his parts (Nicolas & Angelica)
Sponsor Comments from Last Meeting and Actions Taken to Address these Comments (indicate date of comments and if via email or in person)
Consider direction and amount of force applied to the system when running analysis. (1/31/17 in person) Placed forces on both booms and on pushbar with 2x factor of safety in analysis.
Instructor Comments from Last Meeting and Actions Taken to Address these Comments (indicate date of comments and if via email or in person)
Determine difference between molding and wrapping carbon. (1/31/17 in person) Learned that molding is done through lining the inside of a cylindrical shell rather than wrapping carbon around a tube. This allows for various designs, like tapering the middle of the tube or making the ends of the tube thicker.
Instructor mentioned working in parallel as much as possible (1/31/17). While the construction of the carbon tube is ongoing, we are working simultaneously on testing critical areas that may change, and preparing certain areas we know will remain the same.
Comments from Other Students in the Class (indicate date of comments and if via email or in person)
If mesh control in Solidworks fails, check to make sure each component is constrained in all 3 degrees of freedom. (2/2/17)
Risks and Areas of Concern
Solidworks analysis failure. May need to redesign parts to run accurate analysis.
Titanium bends limited to 15" radius. Seats may need redesign to comply with restrictions.
Resources or Information Required but not Available
Solutions to mesh control failure uncertain.
Action Composites handling mandrel construction and carbon layup. Lead time TBD, eta ~ 2 weeks
Currently in the prototype component stage, learning to make appropriate cuts and welds, focus is on critical areas for failure testing.
Budget (list amount spent and amount remaining)
Spent: $0.00
Remaining: $ 9995.70
Progress on Report and Webpage
Week 5 progress report complete.
Proof of Concept Presentation completed and uploaded to website.
First draft of report to be uploaded Friday 2/10 by midnight.
Home page under construction.